Any smokers out there?



  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I quit with really worked for me except for the messed up dreams... it made cigarettes smell and taste awful!

    ME TOO! Chantix was my miracle!!! Messed up dreams, but it really works! I was a smoker of 15 yrs. I will be smoke free for 2 yrs on April 19th! If your insurance covers it, give it a try! If not, well, its is really expensive. Good luck to you! I know what your going through!:flowerforyou:
  • mleipe
    mleipe Posts: 54
    Quitting smoking is easy - I used to do it several times a year!

    But seriously... been off the smokes for 8+ years after 20 years of a pack a day or more.

    So let me enlighten you as to the revelation I had that made that last quit stick.

    The only reason that having a cigarette feels good is because you're physically addicted to nicotine, period. When you have a smoke you feed that addiction and remove the discomfort of withdrawal.

    Remember the first smoke you ever had? Ever quit for months or more and then start again? It wasn't pleasant, was it? In fact, I'll bet it was pretty darned unpleasant, tasted awful, made you cough, you hated the smell, you felt guilty, etc. Didn't get the relief you thought you'd get, did you? That's because you weren't addicted any more.

    Now if you can get through two weeks without a smoke, you have overcome the physical addition. That means that once you've made it past two weeks without cigarettes HAVING A SMOKE IS NOT GOING TO MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD! In fact, as noted above, it's probably going to make you feel pretty bad.

    Of course, if you have two or three smokes, it'll start to feel good again - this means that you're addicted again.

    So, bottom line: Get through the first couple of weeks to get over the physical addiction and every time you think you want a smoke after that, think about how crappy it's going to make you feel and remind yourself that it's not going to give you the relief you crave.

    How do you get through the first couple of weeks? I planned my quit date to coincide with the start of a couple of weeks of vacation, which took me out of my normal day-to-day routines and habits and thus the events, places, etc. that habitually triggered me to have a smoke were gone.

    Good luck - it's worth it!
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I quit with really worked for me except for the messed up dreams... it made cigarettes smell and taste awful!

    ME TOO! Chantix was my miracle!!! Messed up dreams, but it really works! I was a smoker of 15 yrs. I will be smoke free for 2 yrs on April 19th! If your insurance covers it, give it a try! If not, well, its is really expensive. Good luck to you! I know what your going through!:flowerforyou:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Honestly? I just stopped. The only thing that makes sense is that I decided I wanted to be a runner more than I wanted to smoke. If you want something enough you'll find a way to make it happen. You just have to... stop
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I quit with really worked for me except for the messed up dreams... it made cigarettes smell and taste awful!

    ME TOO! Chantix was my miracle!!! Messed up dreams, but it really works! I was a smoker of 15 yrs. I will be smoke free for 2 yrs on April 19th! If your insurance covers it, give it a try! If not, well, its is really expensive. Good luck to you! I know what your going through!:flowerforyou:
    Be careful with Chantix though...Its really helpful for some people, but side effects can be really bad! I tried it in the past and the dreams were absolutely psychotic for me, so I stopped using it, but have heard of some people having crazy suicidal thoughts while using it too.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I have carried this nasty habit for probably 4 years now. I really want to quit and know that I need to, but I just don't know how to put them down. I am a full time student and mom of three (reasons why I should stop). I am afraid that if I put them down I will drive my husband crazy and/or gain weight. Any advice?

    You haven't been smoking long. I smoked for 45 years and gave it up. You dont want to do it like I did. I was in a coma. Just do it.
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    I am quitting (again) with the patch and also using the nicorette inhaler when I have a bad craving. The inhaler is as close to a real one as you're going to get. I've gained a few pounds in the past two months, but I'm refusing to let that bother me, because that's the reason I always fail at quitting. If you loose weight now and quit later, you'll put on some weight anyways, so I'd focus on the smoking first. I'm staying away from my smoking friends in settings like bars etc for now. Drink lots of water and set your mind to it! Good luck :)
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I quit with really worked for me except for the messed up dreams... it made cigarettes smell and taste awful!

    This ^^^^^^^^
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Bump for later
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    I smoked for near on 20 years and I have recently stopped... I used patches to help me through the first few weeks, they're the toughest part. I am off them now and now I am working out again I am really starting to see the difference and I am only a month or so in...

    Do it and don't look back, it will be the best decision you will ever make!

    Good luck! :smile:
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    I just started Chantix about a week ago, i'm still smoking but it seems to make me forget when "it's time" for another cigarette. I have not smoked one when i first wake up or right before bed for 2 days now.. i figure that cut two out per day so maybe it will be less and less as the time goes on. My insurance only covered $10 of the 30 day prescription and let's just say it cost me twice as much as i spend on cigarettes in a month!! But i'm ready to quit, just tired of the smell, the dependency, and not being able to breathe well when i exercise! If you are ready then go for it!
  • rejs1170
    rejs1170 Posts: 23 Member
    Took me 10 years to kick to habit (I have been a smoker for 22 years), and I kicked it a month ago when the dog chewed up my packet. I was smacking and yelling at the dog, and my kids came out and told me off. That was my moment.
    I went through a week of bad cravings, but since then I have been o.k. I just have to avoid being around people who are smoking.
    I really hope you are able to quit soon, but it is very hard, so keep trying and do not give up on quitting because you relapse (I probably failed over a 100 times).
  • Lynschell
    Lynschell Posts: 21 Member
    I have carried this nasty habit for probably 4 years now. I really want to quit and know that I need to, but I just don't know how to put them down. I am a full time student and mom of three (reasons why I should stop). I am afraid that if I put them down I will drive my husband crazy and/or gain weight. Any advice?

    I just recently quit a little over a month ago. It wasn't easy especially since my husband is still a smoker. But I decided I had had enough. I wanted to buy a new car and keep the new car smell. I wanted to not have to shower everytime I had somewhere nice to go so I didn't smell like it. so I decided that after I was done with the last carton of cigarettes that I was done. I bought the patches and only wore them for the 1 st week. Just ask everyone that is around you that smokes to kindly do it some where else. If they love you they will respect that you're trying to quit and not do it around you. My hubby didn't do it around me for the first 3 weeks. and after that I didn't really care. even though now I CAN NOT stand the smell of the smoke. The thought of one disgusts me.

    I do have to say though that you have to be dead serious!!! I tried to quit last year and didn't last a couple of weeks. of course I was still trying to smoke black and milds if I drank. I learned from that experience that smoking anything doesn't help. you can't smoke at all!!! that's why I didn't even try the electronic cigs.

    Good luck!! and treat yourself to a prize at certain milestones!! That way you have something else to work towards!!! I bought a new car!!! And I was able to spend more because I'm saving so much $$$$ not smoking!!!!!
  • There is a beautiful android app called " QuitNow! ". It keeps track of your progress (your recovering health, how many cigarettes you haven't smoked, how much money you've saved etc.) Watching my numbers increase everyday was the biggest thing that kept me from relapsing. Everytime I wanted to smoke, I had to remind myself how it would feel to reset my progress.

    You also unlock acheivements, and there is a great support chat built into the app. Sometimes trolls are lurking there to sabatoge people, but by and large its a very helpful group of people.

    This Saturday will be 12 weeks absolutely free from cigarettes! I was someone who really enjoyed smoking, but now I really enjoy the freedom.

    Best of luck to you!
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    I quit 5 months ago after 16 years of smoking. What helped me was something (obvious) that i read. Basically it was that no one could tell me not to smoke. I smoked because I chose to be a smoker. When I quit and was really craving, I reminded myself that I could smoke if I wanted to, but that I was choosing not to. I think having the choice helped me. I don't react very well to staying away from forbidden things. ;)
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    I am a smoker in the process of quitting, I am I admit a stress smoker, i have quit before for a long time then alot of stress all at one time put paid to that. I am on Champix tablets, you can smoke on them for the first 14 days as your body builds up the resistance to the nicotine and after the first 7 days you will notice that you don't smoke that often any more and after day 14 you stop, there are some little side affects like strange dreams but i don't have them every night, and i was advised to take them after a substantial meal otherwise they will make you feel sick and are more likely to not take them.

    I was told that when I had a craving for a cigarette, like after my meal to nibble on something bitter like dark chocolate or a small glass of red wine.

    I can't afford to keep smoking, and i want my fitness to improve these are my two main motivations.

    Hope this helps

  • Go to Google and search Totally Wicked. They supply really good e-cigg products that have blown all the others away. They also run great specials. Once you give the e-ciggs a chance that they supply you will not want a cigg. It taste's better, gives a throat hit, puts out just as much (or more) vapor, and dont smell at all. I love mine!
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    my oldest boy is in year 6 and 3 of his friends parents died this year through smoking or alcohol related illness they were all under 40 years old.

    just before christmas, my youngest who is 7 explained that his friend's father had died that afternoon through a smoking related illness.......he was 37 years old.

    My oldset sat down next to me one evening 30th October 2011 and he cried and begged me to stop smoking as he feared i WOULD DIE ... I reasured him I would never smoke again from thT POINT ON AND i HAVE NOT TOUCHED A SINGLE CIGARETTE.

    I used the intellicig electronic cigarette from the internet for few weeks when in the company of smokers.......but for about 4 weeks was quite recluse as i wanted to give myself the best start at quitting.

    I have not looked back and other than the intellicig have used little else.

    I didnt weigh myself for the first 10 weeks of giving up, and I did gain weight......19lbs!!!!! but that came back off in 3 weeks and I am back to losing again and feel freat.

    More to the point, I know my sons will have their mum for a lot longer than if I were still smoking. Kids need their parents, and I wasnt going to risk my health or worse death for the stinky things any longer.

    This was enough for me to quit, I hope this gives you some incentive to quit too. Your kids are precious, dont let them fear you not being there for them, as My boy did. It broke my heart.

    Good luck

    Lisa xx
  • Lynschell
    Lynschell Posts: 21 Member
    i'm a smoker and i want to quit...eventually.i really don't feel like now is the moment to stop.first i want to lose my weight and then try to quit smoking.i just think it's better to solve one problem at a time.
    This is also my problem, but I also know that I would feel much better if I quit. Right now my sinuses drive me crazy.

    You will feel SO much better!!! I always had headaches and woke up hacking....headaches and hacking gone!!! I also never had any energy...Now I have so much energy!!! I'm doing much better with eating right and exercising...I replaced my morning coffee and smoke with the gym!!!!
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    Go to Google and search Totally Wicked. They supply really good e-cigg products that have blown all the others away. They also run great specials. Once you give the e-ciggs a chance that they supply you will not want a cigg. It taste's better, gives a throat hit, puts out just as much (or more) vapor, and dont smell at all. I love mine!

    love mine too