0 lbs lost - what am I doing wrong?

I am 5' 8.25" @ 232 lbs. I am trying to get down to at least 190lbs (my ideal weight is 180. I am getting married in September and would love to look at my wedding photos and actually like what I see. I have been at this since December. And when I say "this" I mean the whole calorie counting and exercise regiment.

I started with my weight loss goals being ~1lb/wk. For the first month I did this - with no result. So I thought maybe I should change the goals to be a bit more rigorous so that I would see some kind of result.

Since the new year, I have consumed ~1500 cal / day (sometimes less) and have been alternating between the cross ramp elliptical machine, jogging, walking and skiing and have had NO WEIGHT LOSS AT ALL!!!!! What am I doing wrong?!?!?! I don't understand; and to say I am very frustrated is a COMPLETE understatement.

I have been doing this alone. I do not have any "friends" on this site as it was presented to me as a tool only. I don't know what to do anymore. Any and all help and suggestions are welcome.


  • danmoffett
    I know what you are going through. I've lost 152 pounds in the past 24 months. I started out losing a little over 2 pounds per week. I've slowed now, I am getting to what I consider to be my normal weight.
    I'll tell you how I did it.
    First let me tell you you don't need to ever count a calorie again. It's not about calorie counting. It's about eating the right food and cutting out the bad food. You can't overeat on good food, it can't be done.
    I live a low carb high fat lifestyle. I've cut out all wheat, all sugars, and most processed oils.
    I eat all I want, I'm never hungry, my energy level is through the roof, and I NEVER COUNT CALORIES.
    Get a book called "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis. This book is changing lives.
    Read my blog for my weight loss journey. I have nothing to sell and you won't find any ads on my blog. Just want to help because I know what you are going through.

  • jjlanich
    Have you thought about adding weight training into your workouts? When you lift weights, you are building lean muscle mass (replacing fat with muscle) - this does a couple of things for you: Muscle takes up less space and therefore you will experience loss in inches (not necessarily in pounds - so be sure to take your measurements in addition to seeing what the scale says), you will burn more at "rest" with muscle than with fat, you will build up your bone density, and you'll ultimately feel better, stronger and become more fit with regards to your cardio workouts because those strong muscles will carry you further.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I can't see your diary to see what you are eating, and how much, but do you eat back your exercise calories? Do you use a heart rate monitor to get a more accurate reading of calories burned?
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    Those are excellent links. I would also encourage you to open your diary and be brave. If you actually want results then let people see what you're eating. It's sometimes tough to open your diary on these boards as people can be very critical but I promise it's all w/ good intentions and it can hopefully lead to some good changes in your regimen.

  • mlucarelli74
    mlucarelli74 Posts: 22 Member
    OMG that has to be so frustrating!! I agree with opening up your food diary. There are a lot of very nutritional savy people on this site and they will tell you what your pitfalls may be. Wish I could be of help, I am in the same boat...lol Haven't lost weight in almost 2 weeks...grrr...lol So I can sympathize. Keep me updated! Would love to know your progress and see your wedding photos!! Good luck!
  • TamMarie78
    I didn't realize my page wasn't open. I just updated the privacy settings. Please look... I am open. Thank you :)
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Are you measuring everything you eat? Tracking everything? Even the little bit of milk in your coffee, nibble while making dinner?

    Check out what your BMR is and eat that... might help.

    Have you taken your measurements? You may be getting smaller without it showing on the scale.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I can't see your diary still to make comments... but :

    Are you measuring? If not, start! You may be surprised.

    Are you exercising? If so, do you use MFP's calories burnt or a heart rate moniter or the machine?

    Are you ingesting a lot of sodium?

    Are you getting in enough water?
  • TamMarie78
    I have take measurements and I have lost 1.5" off of my waist and 1" from my neck, none off of my hips though.
  • Jus1molbplz
    A few suggestions that helped me

    1. Water intake is no joke - this is very important, without this step the weight will not come off easily

    2. Sugar control - even with calorie counting sometimes if the calories are coming from an excess amount of sugar/carbs/fats its going to be difficult to lose weight.

    3. weight training - even if its a small amount of weight and not many reps at first this will help speed the process up.

    4. STOP STRESSING! I know all too well about how difficult it is to stop worrying about the weight on the scale - but you know that its not a complicated equation to lose weight - its the amount of calories going in - verses the amount getting burned... If you work hard, your body has no choice but to lose weight. Unless something is medically wrong - this is just how it is.

    5. We are about the same height 5'8.5 for me and I started at 240lbs, I ate 1300 calories a day. My BMR is around what you are eating on a daily basis. Could you possibly cut down 100-200 calories and day and see if that helped?

    Hope this helps!
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    I'm also 5' 8" and I started at 244. I've been eating 1500 calories for a month now. It's working for me but that doesn't mean it'll work for everyone.

    Not to choose a 'fad illness' but have you had your thyroid checked? If you are eating a caloric deficit, no matter what you are eating you should have lost some weight. I'd go talk to your physician. If it's not a thyroid problem then they should be able to point you in the right direction.

    BTW congrats on the 1.5" and the wedding!!