After taking a break from this site, I've decided that I do still need it!
I'm am currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred along with rollerblading. Now that I'm exercising more and using this site, I hope to lose about 15 pounds. Hopefully 10 by March 20th.
I could really use the friends for motivation!


  • SandyRob
    SandyRob Posts: 11 Member
    Hey there,

    Well, "welcome back!"...I have often done the same thing. I leave this site for awhile and then always seem to return to it because it really seems to help me keep on track.
    The people on here really help to motivate me to "keep honest" about my food intake and my excersize. I can always use another friend..and hopefully I can do the same for you!
    Good luck with your goals!
