curves or treadmill?

I am just looking for help deciding weather or not to stick with going to curves or getting a treadmill. I have been going to curves for 3 months and seen small changes but I don't know if it is due to their program or me using this site and tracking what I eat. I am lossing intrest in going because most of the other women are in their late 50's and 60 and I am in my late 30's so most of the music and talk are geared to them. A friend of mine wants to sell her treadmill and I am torn on what to do. My money is tight and I can only choose to do one thing any suggestions?


  • cusack0418
    I have the exact same problem, except that I am in my early 20's. I have been a member of curves for 3 months as well and have only done one weigh and measure after the first month. I lost 3 1/2 inches and like 3/4 of a pound. Since that weigh in I feel like there haven't been any changes for the positive so it makes me not want to weigh in. I have decided that I am just going to do the weigh and measure this week and if there have been positive changes then I will stick with it for a while longer however if there have not been any changes then I am going to leave curves and just start using the treadmill 5-6 days a week. I personally feel that I get a better work out from the treadmill then I do at curves. I know I don't really have any good advice but I have been struggling with this decision for the last couple weeks as well.
  • mrsvanderpool
    mrsvanderpool Posts: 133 Member
    I went to Curves not long after I had my last daughter, I am 23, and I was the youngest there at all times. Most of the women were much older, and I seemed out of place, even though everyone was nice. I bought a 30 Day Shred dvd, and I feel much more of a "workout" with that! Sweat pours off of me, and I barely sweated there, even though I was working hard. I also bought a treadmill yesterday, and I love it! Today was my first day using it, but so far, so good!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I am just looking for help deciding weather or not to stick with going to curves or getting a treadmill. I have been going to curves for 3 months and seen small changes but I don't know if it is due to their program or me using this site and tracking what I eat. I am lossing intrest in going because most of the other women are in their late 50's and 60 and I am in my late 30's so most of the music and talk are geared to them. A friend of mine wants to sell her treadmill and I am torn on what to do. My money is tight and I can only choose to do one thing any suggestions?

    Is purchasing a gym membership in your budget, if you were to quit Curves and not purchase a treadmill?
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    Not saying anything negative about curves . . . but I would suggest going with the treadmill. . . . only because you are more likely to stick with an exercise that you enjoy, and you sound like you're hesitant to going to curves. I have had my treadmill for almost 5 years (not a very good one, I might add, but it works!), and I love it! It hasn't always been utalized as much as it should; since my passion for running kicked in a year and a half ago, it's been used a heck of a lot more, but I have always loved the convenience of having it in my home. Add some free weights, and you have your own at home gym!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Neither, you need weight training and curves won't give you enough. If you want something that works, look into programs like P90X(2), Turbo fire, Chalean Extreme, Insanity or Jillian Michaels programs. They will provide much better results than both if you follow the workout programs and food program.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    When I was on my weight loss journey, it was only after I purchased a treadmill (used, $200) that my weight really began to move. To this day, that's been the best $200 I've spent. Use it at least 5 times a week during the winter months, and since it is in my cool basement, I occasionally use it in the summer too.

    Look at it this way -- you will ALWAYS have the treadmill if you buy it. The money for a gym membership or Curves membership is limited in the amount of time you can use it.

    Good luck!
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    I also go to curves (when they offer groupon deals). If I had the choice of a new machine and a curves membership I PERSONALLY would choose a new machine at home.

    I am currently going to curves 2x a week, doing 30DS and working out on my treadmill 5x a week. I sweat 5x as much with the later 2! Curves is not a huge change for me. It gets me out of the house to work out with my friend but neither of us enjoy it like we do zumba or anything else.
    Everyone in there is so much older than we are and the music SUCKS!
    I am 31 and my friend is 35.
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    Is purchasing a gym membership in your budget, if you were to quit Curves and not purchase a treadmill?

    I was wondering about this as well.

    I think you'd have better luck at a gym with different exercise equipment rather than Curves or just a simple treadmill. I advise against buying a treadmill when money is tight when you can simply go outside and take a walk on your own.
  • ajrmom28
    ajrmom28 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for all the good comments. I think I will go with the treadmill. In my area their very few options of places to workout (No YMCA's ) without driving at least 45 min. or working out at a small gym with bunch of 20 somethings who judge you for not being already fit. I shall see how it goes. Thanks again.
  • zibaluba
    zibaluba Posts: 10 Member
    Personally, I did not like curves at all. It's been a while but it was the same thing over and over and I didn't like being in the circle where the only place I could look was at the other people working out. It was just too intimate for me. I find cardio classes at my gym to be much better and in ways more social and the music is better. lol That's just my preference. I definitely think either is better than the treadmill, because of accountability. If you go to a place where others are, you know they are expecting to see you.