Low carb diet resources?

I am diabetic and my doctor wants me to try a much lower carb diet than I have been consuming so I was wondering if anybody has resources to check out for how to do that? My concern is getting enough calories, especially since I do take 4 fitness classes/wk. I don't want to burn muscle or pass out. lol Thanks! :)


  • much2gain
    amazingly enough.. I have found some great resources/recipes on Pinterest. If you're not familiar with it, Google it. If you need a friend to request you a login.. just message me your personal email address and I will request one for you. If you're not interested in that, at least search "califlower pizza crust".. this is AWESOME and so easy to make; it's just cheese, egg and cauliflower.
  • zibaluba
    zibaluba Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you, I have seen it so I will take a look. :)
  • mclukey
    Back in the day when I use to low carb..I loved lowcarber.org
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Sugarbusters.... great start!!
  • zibaluba
    zibaluba Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you, I'll check out lowcarber.org and is sugarbusters a website?
  • zibaluba
    zibaluba Posts: 10 Member
    Nevermind, found the sugarbusters. lol