Something I'm doing wrong

Im getting frustrated because I feel like I'm doing something wrong about losing weight. Im not eating right i miss breakfast and I know how important it is to eat breakfast. But I don't what to do anymore. I need like a set schedule or something so I can get right and get fit. I'm trying to get fit for the summer, for my career as a detention officer or police officer to be able to pass the physical tests. And do it for me and my health. I need some advise on what I can do. I'm also stuck at 2lbs that I lost and I can't lose anymore than that. It's frustrating me bad. Advise please lol!!! I don't want to be a quiter


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    You don't have to eat breakfast, just stay consistent with your total daily calories.

    If you open your diary, people can give more specific advice.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    It sounds like you already know a few things you could change. To maybe simplify a few ideas to try, these are what have worked for me.

    1.) You will want to give up. Don't. Keep going. You can do this!!!!

    1.) water. drink it. drink lots of it.
    2.) sleep. get plenty of it.
    3.) WALK. Walk with your hubby, walk with your kids, walk with your dog, walk and call a friend, walk alone, walk and listen to music, walk slow, walk fast. WALK. Every day!!!!!!!
    4.) Eat balanced calories - get protein, get some carbs, try to stay away from processed foods. Eating breakfast may be a good place to start, especially if it's healthy. (I'd suggest starting with two eggs scrambled - not too much food to shock your morning stomach but will get you off to a good start).

    Good luck!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    If you REALLY want help, open your diary and maybe give us some more info. How much are you trying to lose? Are you exercising? Are you counting calories? Some more info would be great, and I know we'd love to help!
  • First thing, it is really very important to eat breakfast everyday. When you are asleep, your metabolism slows down. When you eat breakfast, that signals your body that it should get ready to start working and burn calories. Your breakfast kind of acts like a kickstart for your metabolism. Then it is usually suggested that you eat a small meal every 3 hours. That keeps your metabolism going.
  • ShantaScruggs89
    ShantaScruggs89 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 140lbs I'm trying to lose 12. My calories a day I have set up is to not pass 1200 calories a day. Which is good I never pass that at all. When I start my day like I said I miss breakfast because I'm more focused on my daughter and forget to eat. She's 11.5 and into everything so I'm constantly after her all day. Im the type of person who needs a schedule. I've tried to make my own schedule but My problem is what I can eat that's healthy or whats good for me to eat. I do got to the gym but haven't been cuz husband hasn't gotten home from work in time for me to go. So I'm looking to get In home excersise DVD that's really good. So this is me so far lol!!
  • ShantaScruggs89
    ShantaScruggs89 Posts: 9 Member
    Diary is open :-)
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    All of the above is good advice. You don't have a whole lot to lose so it may not come off as quickly as you would hope.

    If you are looking into home workouts check out exercise TV (on demand), youtube some Hiit Workouts, Jillian Michaels' has many to get you started like 30 Day Shred/Shed & Shred/Shredding It w/ Weights and so many others, or even check out the beachbody products like Insanity/Turbofire etc. Just some workout ideas.
  • Try eating more natural foods like:

    Whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, wheat berrys, whole grain bread)
    Fruits and vegetables, eat as mush as you want of these, they are really low calorie and won't make you gain weight
    lean protein sources (chicken, turkey, fish, shrimps, greek yogurt, beans (fairly high carb though) and egg whites or whole eggs

    Although you are staying under the calorie goals, sometimes processed food makes it harder to lose weight. You should also try to have atleast 1200 calories a day or else you could go into starvation mode. Slowly build up the calories if you are afraid of weight gain. Each week add 50-100 calories more than your regular intake until you reach 1200/ day. If this still makes you gain weight, try to excercise to burn it off, but its important to get those nutrients in which is almost impossible eating under 1200 calories.

    If you find it hard or inconvenient, go to Whole foods. They have prepared meals which are organic there are lots of options. If not, make sure you always have a container of grains, fruits and vegetable ready to eat if you need a quick meal and just add a protein source.

    If you don't feel like eating breakfast and your not very hungry, try half a banana and a latte made with skim milk. It will get you metabolism going and keep you full until lunch, so you are more likely to eat a healthy meal.

    Also, if you are craving something unhealthy, make a limit of 3 meals a week or whatever you think is doable for you and lower it down until you have 1 or two cheat meals a week. The less unhealthy food you have, the faster you will lose weight and the healthier you will be in the long run.