I need Motivaton help :0

I an sorta new to this website and i need help motivating my self to keep going because i am like a yo-yo right now i lose weight then i gain it back and i am really dedicated to losing weight but it just gets really frustrating :(


  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    Hi!! My name is Nicolette. I started this website in Jan 2012. This is really a great place. You will find many people to help, with any questions..t operates 24 hours, so we have people from all over the world on here (i think).

    Sometimes it is hard for us all to stay motivated. When I get down on myself, I go to a Message board and read a Success story, and look at the pictures, and sometimes ask if they will "friend me." Then, you can email them and say.."Hey, need help with XYZ."

    Is there anything in particular you would like some direction with, or specific questions you might have?
  • 1sweetpea70
    1sweetpea70 Posts: 48 Member
    I've been on mfp 2 years but until this January, i was too shy to make friends with 'strangers'. Let me tell you, i have found better friends HERE than in real life. Im more motivated now than ever before. I used to yo-yo diet too. I'd lose weight, and gain it all back. I love this website cuz for me, logging everything i eat holds me accountable to any crap i MAY eat. I've lost almost 13 lbs since making friends here. Im cheered on and supported each and every day and THAT keeps me motivated. I love having dropped 3 sizes and how ive finally gotten my self confidence back. I tell everyone i know to join just cuz it WORKS. Just commit to it. Commit to eating healthier, making better food choices, drinking 8 glasses of water a day, and work out. You joined for a reason. Remember that. Thats the 1st step!! Congrats!!! You CAN do this!!!
  • fitforlife34
    fitforlife34 Posts: 331 Member
    I posted a thread just like yours! I"m here for you as well. I know how it feels, I'm always up and down, and it is frusrating because I'm trying to lose 30lbs. Feel free to add me as friend................
  • allifiedler91
    Hey! I feel you on the needing more motivation. When I first found this site in June, I would sign on for like, 3 days then not for another couple weeks, but now I'm on pretty much every day. One thing that helped me was putting little sticky notes on things. For example, if I buy a bag of m&ms, I put a sticky on it that says 'only eat 10' or in my car, I had to put a sticky on the steering wheel that says 'no drive thrus' because I drive past them all the time on my way to work. Different things work better for different people. Also, I work at a daycare, so for exercise I will load all of the toddlers into a stroller and we'll take a quick walk around the neighborhood. If you can find something that fits into your daily routine like that, it will make it a lot easier. Getting started is the hardest part!
  • candiceh619
    i needed motavashon also untell i started in a weight loss compatisho it is helping so mutch!