Heart Rate Moniters

So...I seem to do things one step at a time. I started MFP in mid-January, lost 30 lbs so far, and everyone tells me - measure, take pictures, and get a HRM. I bought my HRM today and am excited to use it but I don't really understand it yet. Anyone have any suggestions about use and purpose other than to moniter your heart rate during exercise? Should I wear it only during exercise? Is it an accurate count of calorie loss? What do you guys think?

And feel free to discuss measuring and taking pics periodically because I have been struggling lately (emotionally) and whatever knowledge or suggestions you have are welcome with the exception to the mean ones :) Some of us don't actually know what others consider common sense when it comes to weight loss and we'd like to learn.


  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I love my HRM and it monitors calories. They're meant to be the most accurate way you can track what you burn, although the most accurate ones have a chest strap. They're not meant to be accurate to wear all day (something about not being as accurate with a low heart rate someone said..?) but I just wear mine for my gym sessions to log on here.

    I do tend to measure (which I find motivating when the scales don't move) but haven't done the picture thing...

  • LoriInIowa
    So glad you posted the topic!
    I'm trying to decide WHAT HRM to buy (accurate, but reasonably priced)....so I'm interested to read the responses, too!

    I'm leaning toward the Polar FT4 or FT7. Anyone use either and love (or hate) it?
  • jacquerd
    jacquerd Posts: 121 Member
    Congratulations on your 30 pound loss!!!! That is quite an achievement!!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    I use my HRM whenever I am doing an activity that is exercise....cardio, lifting weights, working in the yard, hiking, biking, etc. I think it is fairy accurate for calories and definitely better and the estimation on here because it take into consideration YOU. Your heart rate, exertion, etc. When I got one, I started noticing a difference in my tracking and weight loss. Most people under estimate their calories and over estimate their exercise. That is what makes MFP such a wonderful tool!!!!!

    You should be able to set up your parameters on there so that when you are exercising, it will alert you when you are/are not in the "zone", for fat burning.

    DEFINTIELY do measurements! That and your clothes tells more of a story than the scale. The scale doesn't take into account lean vs. fat weight. I would suggest only measuring once a month. It is a slow process and you could get discourage if you do it any sooner.

    Hope this helps! I will try to help if you have any more questions. I have a couple of good certifications, and a great testimony, so this is right up my ally. Let's be friends! :)
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Which hrm did you buy? I would like to get one but they all seem so expensive =(
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    A HRM is probably THE best way to get calories burned in a workout.

    My BF has a Polar FT7 and loves it. I have a Polar FT40F on it's way to me. I can say more after I get it. According to my boyfriend, it's really simple to use. It's quick and easy to get started to track a workout and easy to stop. He uses it for every workout now! He's also one of those people who just kill watches, and it's standing up to him quite well. So I'm impressed with the quality of Polar products. And he's washed the chest band before too. It's still working! Just amazing.
  • laurajplus4
    laurajplus4 Posts: 25 Member
    Just wanted to say- AWESOME loss since Mid January!!!

    Yes, get an HRM. I got the FT4, after reading, reading, and reading some more. I was not not ready to spend a ton of $$ until I knew it was something I would use. I will eventually upgrade, but for now, I LOVE my FT4 :)
  • jacquerd
    jacquerd Posts: 121 Member
    So glad you posted the topic!
    I'm trying to decide WHAT HRM to buy (accurate, but reasonably priced)....so I'm interested to read the responses, too!

    I'm leaning toward the Polar FT4 or FT7. Anyone use either and love (or hate) it?

    I have the FT4. It is simple but does what I need it to do: track calories, and if I am doing interval Training or cardio, alerts me on my "zone"! It also keeps a log, so you can go back and review. I don't need all of that other fancy stuff, like time in and out of zone and be able to sync, etc. Also, I definitely say stick with Polar brand, because lots of gym type cardio equipment will pick up your HR, and it is more accurate than holding the electrodes. :)
  • jacquerd
    jacquerd Posts: 121 Member
    They can be expensive, but they do go on sale. Watch the ads and coupons. Sports authority often has coupons. I looked on eBay first, but they always got up to the retail store price anyway.
  • Brown_Eyed_Beauty
    Brown_Eyed_Beauty Posts: 109 Member
    I have a Polar FT60 with gps. I love it! Im about to really get things going though by getting the data transfer attachment as well so I can do the weightloss program. I love how accurate it is. I also like my nike + app but the calories aren't as accurate.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I have to be honest, I didn't research HRM before buying so I hope I don't end up with buyers remorse. I just want something that does its job well. Thanks for the congratulations :) I have 120 total to lose so that leaves 90 left. I also struggle with the calorie goals moreso out of fear than not being able to find anything to eat! I changed the types of food I eat so it takes a lot to get to my calorie goal. I also try to overestimate when I am not absolutely certain.

    My HRM is by Sportline. I feel silly :) thinking all HRMs were created equal :)