I feel defeated...



  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks guys your kind words have made a difference, tomorrow is a new day.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    dont let it defeat you! Focus on eating healthy and doing the 'little things' when you have noooo time, then when you have just a short amount, yeah, get a quick circuit type dvd...I REALLY recommend 30Day shred...it's great and a quick workout...I usually burn between 250-300 cals in 26 mins
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    You can do this..just get in a good workout tomorrow. One day at a time
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    Hope this doesn't sound too crazy. I only had 3 and not as close together. It was many years ago and there was no MFP and excercise was usually the best you made of it :smile: One of my fav excercises in those days was DANCING with my babies. They loved it and could ususally dance me under the table. It was woderful quality time and I got plenty of exercise.

    As you make the time for that, you will be quite surprised at how well you start making time for more. The hardest part is just getting started. Good luck

    I totally agree. I have a two year old and we dance together. He weighs 30 lbs so I bench press and lift him :) he thinks it's all in good fun, counts, learns his opposites (up/down, left/right, etc.) all the while I am burning calories :)

    Keep it up! Day 4 is just the beginning!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Success is all about two steps forward, one back, two more forward, one back! The ones back can be discouraging, until you look back and realize how far you've already come. :) You will get there!!!!
  • rednblack84
    One thing I did was buy a jump rope to keep behind or under the couch. On days when I couldn't make it outside or to the gym, I would jump rope during commercials of my favorite shows. It doesn't sound like much, but jumping rope for 3 - 5 minute increments is super hard and a great cardio workout. If jumping is to loud then stand up for some squats or lie on the floor for some crunches or push-ups/planks. Every little bit helps.