What's your secret weapon?



  • dennisroc
    dennisroc Posts: 59 Member
    Melba toast,when you need something crunchy !!!
  • chu604
    chu604 Posts: 353 Member
    Ground Turkey

    So good and it takes on any flavouring you might add. Also a whole lot better for you than regular beef.
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
  • Pickles....I eat three small sweet gerkins before lunch and dinner....the vinegar is suppose to help keep your sugar under control better and the sweet pickles help get you through that sweet tooth. Not to mention they are low in calories and add another veggie to your plan.....I have found a new love for them. I didn't eat them much before starting this.
  • Im also a cayenne powder junkie lol, but if we run out, it's raw sliced chillies - love that stuff !
  • jarrodc
    jarrodc Posts: 102
    Pickles....I eat three small sweet gerkins before lunch and dinner....the vinegar is suppose to help keep your sugar under control better and the sweet pickles help get you through that sweet tooth. Not to mention they are low in calories and add another veggie to your plan.....I have found a new love for them. I didn't eat them much before starting this.

    This! I need to get myself some pickles! I love gherkins!
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    Fat. I finally get that eating fat doesn't make you fat. So, I'm not afraid of EVOO, butter, almonds, peanut butter, dairy in general. This is a hard concept to grasp growing up in a world of lowfat and nonfat staring you in the face at the grocery store.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Fat. I finally get that eating fat doesn't make you fat. So, I'm not afraid of EVOO, butter, almonds, peanut butter, dairy in general. This is a hard concept to grasp growing up in a world of lowfat and nonfat staring you in the face at the grocery store.

    yes I'm the same.....low fat food just tastes so sad!
  • Chobani Yogurt & Franks Red Hot! (not together)
  • salsa, amazing calorie to taste ratio.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Lots of lean chicken and water! Those microwavable steam vegetable bags were also a great help with making meals since i can't cook :/
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My secret weapon is knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt I can eat whatever I want to...but choosing/getting to say "no thank you"
    to things I previously (before I discover this secret weapon :wink: ) of being able to say NO to many things I always really believed I didn't have a choice in and YES to other things I've always thought I'd say NO to. It truly a Secret Weapon that is more powerful than 1 million nukes to me and in this journey.