Back on track and stop the constant bingeing

Hi there

I'm after any advice going really, before Christmas I did really well and lost over 11lbs, ever since the Christmas vacation I’ve put all the weight back on AND more ! I just can’t seem to do this and am bingeing constantly throughout the day and also on cereal at night after eating my dinner…..has anyone gone through anything similar and if so did you get through it?

I’ve never binged or snacked really so not sure why this is, any help or advice I’d REALLY appreciate it as I have 18lbs to lose my first goal and just binged again right now and decided I need help!!


  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    Everyone is different and what works for one may not for another. I find for me I keep those foods I tend to overeat out of the house. Even those 100 cal snacks, some of them are SUPER yummy problem is I'll eat a whole box! So I don't buy them anymore.
  • sweetbeckymarie
    Hi I'm having problems with daily binging too. especially with cereal after my meals! I will just eat straight from the box (the first big no no of my habits). I happen to have no self control so I had to stop buying cereal unless it was a really boring bran cereal that I would have no temptations to eat. I also bought some dessert flavored light yoplait yogurts (red velvet, raspberry cheesecake, cinnamon roll, banana cream pie, etc) that I plan on putting in the freezer before dinner so that I can "treat myself" and not feel horrible after dinner. Hope this helps!
  • MaddoxsMommy
    MaddoxsMommy Posts: 51 Member
    I seem to do that about once a week and I've been the same weight for a month now. It's very frustrating. I think my binges must be in the 1,000 calorie range, which shoots my whole week to hell. Any advice would be appreciated. I think it would help for me to go see a therapist, because I can't seem to control it.
  • blantonjm1
    blantonjm1 Posts: 74 Member
    I would say try to think about what you're wanting to eat and why. sometimes when we have things going on emotionally we try to fill it with food. I'm not saying that's the case, but i know it was for me. I would eat when i was stressed, upset, angry, etc. pretty whenever I was unhappy I would eat. So I put on 40lbs in three yrs. now i am trying to go against that and realize i have to deal with things differently. But i think also you have to realize that you can have those things in moderation. A little is good a lot can be harmful or counterproductive to your weight loss goals. Also, you might need to try to consume more water during the day time to help fill you in between meals and snacks.
  • NicolaNash
    Try and work out the reasons for the binges - for instance for me its if I'm bored or in a bad mood. Also perhaps try and plan your meals in advance? I find if I have already decided what I'm having that day then I'm more likely to stick to it for some reason, but also build in treats (such as no added sugar jelly pots or trwat size/kids size packs of sweets).

    But above all remind yourself of why you are trying to lose weight and your end goal and don't let these slip ups derail you. I heard a great little story that helps me focus - if you spilt red wine on your top you wouldn't say oh well its ruined now and pour the rest of the bottle over you, instead you would wash it and try to rectify the top - so apply the same principle to your diet. One slip up doesn't mena you should continue bingeing or give up for the rest of the day or completely, try and rectify it and start again immediately.

    If you feel down or in need of support, before you binge stop and come on here for support - there are plenty of people in the same situation and everyone wants to help you succeed. Good luck