Another weight gain post

Argh, I've been using MFP for 32 days and this week my scale says I gained 3lbs. I've been between 1,200-1,300 calories and doing some amount of cardio work out every day--nothing really intense, but about 30 minutes of brisk walking or dancing. Today I weighed myself at the normal time and the scale says I went up 3lbs. It is so frustrating! I know we fluctuate but 3.8 since Monday? That seems like a lot. Should I be worried? Should I switch up the work out? I have moderate lower back pain so I am somewhat limited in what I can do. . .


  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Are you doing any strength/resistence training? Very important to incorporate this into your exercise routines.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    probably just water weight as you cannot gain fat in a caloric deficit.
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    Are you consuming enough water? How is your sodium?
  • minimaggie
    minimaggie Posts: 224 Member
    ALso, TOM can play a factor so keep in mind your schedule that can cause HUGE swings.
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    A lot of things can affect the scale. Have you been eating more sodium than usual? Higher sodium intake causes you to retain water, so it could just be water weight. Or it could be hormone related...are you on or about to be on your period? Hormone changes during TOM (time of month) can cause anywhere from 3-10 pounds of weight gain that usually comes right back off the week after your period. You may also be gaining muscle, but losing fat. Muscle weighs more ya know. It also best to wiegh first thing in the morning, after you have used the bathroom, and before you eat or shower. I know it can be frustrating to see that increase on the scale, but we have all been there. You just have to push through. Good luck and keep you chin up!
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    Were you sick at all? I gained wait after I got better, I guess my body was making up for the food it was missing the previous days. I stuck with it and it got better. I also stopped eating back my exercise calories (within reason) and that has helped huge.

    Are you getting all of your water in? That can help too.
  • NikkiPsuedoDupuis
    NikkiPsuedoDupuis Posts: 56 Member
    HeHe, my "pre girl" week I usually gain a couple of pounds, as do my other female friends. I find the week after my weight drops back to normal.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    What are your stats? like height and current weight? I had a similiar problem and then realized I was eating WAYYYY too LESS for my own good. A good rule of thumb that biochemists use is, for weight loss, eat your weight +0, so I'm in the 160's right now so my goal is 1,600 calories AND I aim to eat back exercises calories too. Maybe try to up yours and see. I know it's super hard to wrap ones head around but for me I plateaued and gained weight at 1200..... I upped to 1600 and I've lost 12 pounds since 1/1/12. good luck dear!
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    do hot yoga to get rid of water weight or go in the sauna for 30mins.
  • frugalmomsrock
    If TOM is close, that could explain it. I can put on anywhere from one pound to NINE the week before TOM.

    Also, I just looked at your diary, and you should probably eat a little more. Maybe at least half your exercise calories (although 90% is better--but only if you're getting a really accurate calorie count; if not, I'd stick with half).
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    up your protein and calories to at least 1400/1500
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I've had the same problem this week. I had jacked up my exercise, cut calories, spiked calories, ...I was trying everything. I started tracking sodium ( which was higher than I expected) and made sure I drank at least 7 bottles of water yesterday. Today, the scale finally moved.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    are you weighing your food?
  • Metsfn4life
    Metsfn4life Posts: 125 Member
    So many things could have caused this "gain," none of which is actually you gaining fat.

    1. Check your sodium and eat more protein/veggies (during my Thanksgiving carb overload, the scale said I gained 5 lbs, but once I resumed my normal eating, the scale went back down in about 1.5 weeks).

    2. Is it almost that time of the month? I don't even weight myself when I have my period....the scale could go up by almost 5 lbs for me during this time, but I notice that a week after, I'm back to normal.

    3. Your body could just be getting used to this change. Give it time to adjust.

    4. You may be eating too little. What is your height? 1200 is not a magic number and not everyone should be consuming such a low calorie amount. I'm 5'6" and started MFP weighing 162 ....I ate almost 1400 a day and lost weight. When I lost 10 lbs....I subtracted another 100 and my net goal was 1300. I've kept it there and lost another 10 lbs. I exercise about 4 times a week and eat back most of the calories I burn.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Argh, I've been using MFP for 32 days and this week my scale says I gained 3lbs. I've been between 1,200-1,300 calories and doing some amount of cardio work out every day--nothing really intense, but about 30 minutes of brisk walking or dancing. Today I weighed myself at the normal time and the scale says I went up 3lbs. It is so frustrating! I know we fluctuate but 3.8 since Monday? That seems like a lot. Should I be worried? Should I switch up the work out? I have moderate lower back pain so I am somewhat limited in what I can do. . .

    I am going through the very same thing. Starting today, I am weighing daily just to see the ridiculous trend. Up and down by 3-4 pounds EVERY day. I know it can't be fat and I watch my sodium. So, what else? Is there a nest of chickens hiding in my hair?:huh:

    The worse part is, ultimately, I am not losing weight!

    Hang in there. Hope someone has an answer for you.
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    1. how often are you weighing, if you are weighing yourself more then once a week, try staying off the scale
    2. are you taking your measurements, measurements are a key factor is how your loss is going
    3. sodium? are you going over your daily sodium allowance? I know if I eat too many frozen foods, or too much canned soup I can have a fluctuation in my weight
    4. height and current weight maybe need to eat more calories
    5. could try zig zagging your calories. eat 1200-1300 for a couple of days and then eat 1500-1600 for one or two days and then back down to 1200-1300. Keep your metabolism guessing.

    It happens to all of us, so just hang in there.
  • 30yearssincebikini
    I used to have lower back trouble too, but I didn't limit myself. I worked my lower back on the lower back machine. Also, if you take dumbbells in each hand and bend over and back up, it will strengthen your lower back area. I guess it depends on what is causing the pain, but for me, working that area got rid of the pain.

    Take measurements of your waist, hips, and any other area of you body you want to keep track of. You will see more change in measurements than with the scale.Hope this helps.
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    A lot of things can affect the scale. Have you been eating more sodium than usual? Higher sodium intake causes you to retain water, so it could just be water weight. Or it could be hormone related...are you on or about to be on your period? Hormone changes during TOM (time of month) can cause anywhere from 3-10 pounds of weight gain that usually comes right back off the week after your period. You may also be gaining muscle, but losing fat. Muscle weighs more ya know. It also best to wiegh first thing in the morning, after you have used the bathroom, and before you eat or shower. I know it can be frustrating to see that increase on the scale, but we have all been there. You just have to push through. Good luck and keep you chin up!

    I agree with this. Also, try to do an "official" weigh in only once a week. Your weight can fluctuate significantly each day, so if you have one day a week that you weigh, it'll be a bit more consistent... best of luck!!
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    This is why I go by my measurements and not the scale. I just need the scale for every two weeks, so I know if I am on track. Are you using small weights and resistance? Trust me if your not like everyone else is saying, this helps you. Sodium can cause problems. I got on the scale one morning it said I was up a few pounds. I cut out all diet soda, juices everything but water. I have never had the problem again. I hope this helps! Also your tom will cause this as well.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    More info please and maybe we can get to the bottom of this:

    1.) Do you eat back your workout calories?
    2.) How much water do you drink?
    3.) Are you using the designated Macros (how much Protein/Fat/Carbs) MFP gets up for your or do you customize?
    4.) Are you near or on TOM?