Intro and request for friends

Hi everyone, just hit my "20 consecutive days logged in" milestone today and watned to introduce myself and see if I can beg for some adds :)

I'm a 38 year old teacher (and coach, though I've stepped down for now in favor of family time) from Colorado, now settled in Arizona. My wife and I just had our second daughter about a month ago and with all of the changes that's bringing, I decided to make changes to me eating and exercise routines as well. So I found the iPhone app and ended up on the site.

I've been logging my food intake religiously and started the Couch to 5 K running program (Week 3 Day 3 tonight) and will sign up for a 5K after I get through the 20 minute run at the end of week 5. I'm running three days a week and getting to the gym for some cardio and at least a small amount of weight training two or three days a week.

Anyway, would love to get some friend requests from anyone, but especially people in similiar situations (30s/40s, parents, teachers, c25k, etc). Thanks!



  • Hey Tim,

    I'm also in Arizona, 33 and have 2 kids. I love to workout, but as with most people/parents, it's hard to make the this app though!

  • cherlea33
    cherlea33 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Tim,

    Congrats on your new baby and your 20 day milestone! I live in Colorado, so semi in your neck of the woods and have 2 little kids as well. I did the Couch to 5 K program last year and it really works. You'll surprise yourself in that you'll be running so well in just a few weeks. I'm signed up for a half marathon in March so we'll see how that goes.

    Best wishes,
  • jsbpitch
    jsbpitch Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Tim, not even CLOSE to Arizona, (live in NY) but I am also a teacher AND coach of two sports. Being logged in for 20 days means you're reaching that point where you're making it a habit ! Congratulations!

  • Pjasien
    Pjasien Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone
    My name is Peggy and I live in a suburb of Chicago. I am marriend with 2 boys. A friend told me about this site and I have been logging in and just met my 15 days in a row. I am hoping to lose 10-15 lbs by tracking and exercise. I welcome any support people are able to offer.
  • Hi Tim.I am a 34 year old father of 4 (two girls and two boys). Thats awesome that you have kept it going for 20 days and it sounds like your running is going strong. I am just getting started and on my fourth day of logging. I have looked at the C25K program, but I think I need to drop some weight initially before I can do that. Right now I am just focusing on the eliptical and plan to add some weight training beginning next month. Currently, I am at 380 pounds and want to lose at least 100lbs. Somewhere I missed the memo that I couldnt eat the same way I did when I was playing football. :(
  • Hey Tim! I'm am a 41 year old father of two boys who has been doing this for almost two weeks now. I have tried to be very religious about it and find that it actually helps me keep my portion size down. I have lost 3 pounds since starting and I really haven't made a lot of changes other than using this app. I'm looking for friends to keep me on track and yell at me when I "fall off the wagon." My goal is to lose 25 pounds and try to stay in that range.
  • I'm Becky. 38 years old, a wife and mother. I have two kids, one of them is special needs ( Autism). I have started working out 3-4 times a week, whenever time allows me. Wow losing weight seems SO much harder in my late 30's then it was in my 20's. But if I can quit smoking I know I can do this.
  • farmergidget
    farmergidget Posts: 1 Member
    Hi...I'm Gidget, mother of 2 active kids, and work on our cattle ranch. I'm also a former coach (volleyball and softball) and athelete. I've been battling my weight ever since college. Little did I know I had hypothyroidism. Makes it rough to loose weight. Only been on here 2 days, but I find its making me be accountable.

    I'm doing our local "Biggest Looser" and have lost 7 pounds in 4 weeks, and lost close to 14 since Christmas.

    My biggest challenge is not being a good veggie eatter. I have purchased a steamer and find I do love steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots, but I'm starting to burn out on them.

    Good luck everyone and I really think this is a great place for help!