starvation mode?



  • Dahavol
    so its mean that i can starve myself so i can lose weight?

    You can. However, it certainly doesn't mean that you should. People that starve lose weight and if that's your entire goal then starvation will work. On the other hand you will likely lose a ton of muscle in the process and not like the results so much (as well as expose your self to consuqeunces from a lack of viatmens such as scurvy). So the question shouldn't be I can starve myself and lose weight? It should be, what is the best way to acheive a lean healthy body.
  • wvbuckeye
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Starvation mode has made my booty smaller. . . True story.

    For me, if I don't eat enough, my workout suffers and I'm tired ALL the time. I don't know if there is such a thing as starvation mode and I've heard lots of theories, both for and against. I go with what I know works for me and what I've learned in nutrition classes and anatomy classes.
  • roguex_1979
    roguex_1979 Posts: 247 Member
    Sounds like you need be a biologist and know everything about vitamins/minerals, hormones, and your own body inside and out (and what happens to it during exercise and rest) to effectively lose weight and keep it off.

    Personally, if I only eat 1100 calories a day because I've eaten and am satisfied and have had a range of foods and take vitamin supplements so don't need to eat anything else and don't happen to have a 100 cal snack lying around, and do light exercise as is suggested, I seriously doubt my body will go into starvation mode. What's more likely to happen is that I will stop losing weight, otherwise known as a plateau, and in this case, I have found having a spike day usually kicks my body back into motion. Perhaps this is what everyone means by 'starvation mode'.

    People in 3rd world countries and anorexics, yes, they ARE starving themselves, and they are unhealthy. So no, I wouldn't purposefully starve yourself. Just stick to the 1200 cals, do some exercise, and if you're under your calorie allowance by 100 or so, don't beat yourself up. Eat 1300 cals the next day!

  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I haven't researched this topic simply because I have nothing to worry about it - to me starvation mode is when my tummy is burning cuz I have been too busy to eat at scheduled time (yes if I miss my scheduled meal - I feel as if I am starving)

    So on the whole starvation mode, I think on a healthy stand point - simply not eating nutritious meals is harming your body - starvation or not... you can be placing 10K calories a day or 500 - if it isn't nutritious your starving your body (from nutrition of course)
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Starvation Mode:

    A state your body goes into when you do no consume enough calories to support everyday activities + exercise!
    Each time you DO consume calories....your body immediately stores it as fat.....since it does not know when it will have more fuel provided. The fat, however, DOES NOT get burned as calories do. Hence the reason for weight loss difficulties!

    No, it doesn't. did with me.
  • Dahavol
    Starvation Mode:

    A state your body goes into when you do no consume enough calories to support everyday activities + exercise!
    Each time you DO consume calories....your body immediately stores it as fat.....since it does not know when it will have more fuel provided. The fat, however, DOES NOT get burned as calories do. Hence the reason for weight loss difficulties!

    No, it doesn't. did with me.

    Thus proving that it will with everyone.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm hypoglycemic...hence the reason I eat every few hours. I used to only eat 2 times a day, and I would literally starve myself. It did me no good! I put myself into a fat-store situation with EVERYTHING I ate (whether good OR bad), and I caused myself a lot of health problems, including the hypoglycemia. You can believe or NOT believe the "starvation-mode". That's YOUR decision. I, however, LIVED IT...and now I'm reversing it!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Starvation Mode:

    A state your body goes into when you do no consume enough calories to support everyday activities + exercise!
    Each time you DO consume calories....your body immediately stores it as fat.....since it does not know when it will have more fuel provided. The fat, however, DOES NOT get burned as calories do. Hence the reason for weight loss difficulties!

    No, it doesn't. did with me.

    Thus proving that it will with everyone.

    Who knows? Everyone is different. I just know what I have been through.
  • Dahavol
    I'm hypoglycemic...hence the reason I eat every few hours. I used to only eat 2 times a day, and I would literally starve myself. It did me no good! I put myself into a fat-store situation with EVERYTHING I ate (whether good OR bad), and I caused myself a lot of health problems, including the hypoglycemia. You can believe or NOT believe the "starvation-mode". That's YOUR decision. I, however, LIVED IT...and now I'm reversing it!

    This is much better. I was just pointing out that as a repeatable scientific phenomenon the evidence is just not there for its existence in the general population. There are conditions that cause issues with lower calorie diets. Yours seems to be a shining example of such a situation. This does not mean that there is such a thing as starvation mode, and the various other implications that get bandied about here with little regard to the evidence.

    This thing works for me and therefore I think it is good, is great. This thing works for me and therefore it proves that everyone's body works this way, not so great.
  • ucalegon
    ucalegon Posts: 43 Member

    People concerned with starvation mode are concerned that, by lowering their calorie intake drastically, their body’s metabolism will lower dramatically to compensate. Starvation mode is a myth. It was popularised due to the Minnesota Starvation Experiment in which subjects were given 50% of their daily calorie intake for months. The result being that they lost weight until they had almost no weight left to lose and their bodies simply could not get the calories anywhere. Concisely put: starvation mode happens when you are, quite literally, wasting away and not when you have a simple caloric deficit. Your body will make up for it with fat stores, which is what they're there for.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Starvation Mode:

    A state your body goes into when you do no consume enough calories to support everyday activities + exercise!
    Each time you DO consume calories....your body immediately stores it as fat.....since it does not know when it will have more fuel provided. The fat, however, DOES NOT get burned as calories do. Hence the reason for weight loss difficulties!

    No, it doesn't. did with me.

    Thus proving that it will with everyone.

    Who knows? Everyone is different. I just know what I have been through.

    I know because I understand the human body.

    Check out leptin and triiodothyronine and the metabolism, you'll start understanding a lot more.

    Simply because you were hypoglycemic, doesn't mean you stop being human, not for one second. Unless you are a little green woman (i.e. not human)? That is simply to do with a totally abnormal level of blood glucose circulating in the blood (11.1 mmol/l). This is nothing to do with a starvation mode. It's to do with how your body handles blood glucose and insulin, something completely different.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I agree with Devahol and Matt_Wild. According to this starvation mode theory I've been on it for 3 /12 so years.... My Dr seems to think i'm pretty healthy. I think it's a term that confuses people and its used waaaaaaay to much. I can't say what my metabolism is but I've had no problem maintaining my weight except for when we get busy at my job I eat crap and gain some weight. Just avoid people telling you that you are starving yourself because you didn't eat those extra 600 calories give or take,. This doesn't mean don't eat , eat the amount you physically feel comfortble eating. check this out
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    People sometimes get to fixated on ''Studies'', but what people tend to forget is that these studies are usually based on a certain number of people or type of build, person, age range, race, gender and cannot as a whole represent the whole population at all.

    There are Facts such as if you starve yourself you will lose weight as your body has to get fuel from somewhere i.e stored fat, but also you are minimising the intake of essential nutrients your body needs and then you end up looking worse for the weight loss.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo, not again
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I just joined, Well i've had this app for a while but just started using it recently . I'm finding out quickly there is no shortage of opinions. Lol. I lost weight without counting calories, just did the ole eat less crap, eat better food and excercise it worked. whatever science went into that who truly knows. All I know I eat when I'm hungry I take my vitamins have a protein shake in the morning and after my workout and I've been fine so far. Maybe one day I won't be, But I'm def not starving lol.
  • runmypretties
    runmypretties Posts: 13 Member
    Wouldn't it be nice if during starvation mode the body would go and use some of the reserves it has been storing up all these years!

    HAHA YES!!!! what the hell does it think its playing at!?! my thighs have enough fat to get me through a rough patch!! :P
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm in starvation mode right now and have gotten fatter even from a few weeks ago.....I don't know what to do.......please help : ( not only that, but my muscles are much much smaller and weaker and softer than before when my metabolism was higher....I need help.
  • samanthagardner75
    i am also confused especially with all these conflicting views. in my case, who could explain why I am gaining weight slowly even though I exercise at least 3 times per week ( was doing 40 min HIIT now I do 20 min cardio followed by weight training) and I eat usually way under my 1200 calorie mark, I don't know why but Im just not hungry. and no its not muscle weight because my pants are getting tighter and my body fat is 19%. im assuming that my rmr has dropped quite a bit due to poor diet..??