Questions about Lifting & Creatine, Please help!

Hello All,

I wasn't too sure where to post this... I am finally at a point where I am ditching the scale. I'm not too worried about the number as I am how strong i feel/look. I am focusing on strength training as I have been in the past, however I have been trying to retain as much muscle as i could on a caloric deficit. I am finally going to start attempting to gain a good bit of muscle with lifting and starting creatine. Eventually cut the excess body fat.

Here are my current stats-

SW: 136
CW: 112
SBF%: 32
CBF%: 19
Height: 5'3.5

Here are my questions-

I have been eating in an caloric deficit for about 4 months now. I consume roughly 1280 calories a day (my BMR). My maintanence calories are 1560 a day. (my job is sedentary) Should I eat my Maintenance calories and continue to consume any calories burned while lifting?

I know creatine will cause me to gain water weight or have a whole body "bloat" type of feeling. I have heard that I will likely have greater results on it because I am a vegetarian and get very little from my diet as it is. Will there be a significant change in the way i look when starting it? (Im not saying looking "fat" but like looking pudgy because im retaining water)

Will there be any significant strength gains with creatine?

I am considering doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women... is this a good program or anyone have experience with it?

My ultimate goal is to go from my 19% body fat to 15% body fat. Is this an attainable goal over the next 3-6 months?

Any advice/tips you have would be greatly appreciated. I am worried about the artibrary number of my weight which i feel like i have worked so hard for going up. (even though i know this is ridiculous) I am finally ready for Feel good AND look good!



  • Luthorcrow
    NROL is a great book. As a man, I can only speak from first hand experience with the original but you picked a good starting point.

    Creatine is not intended for long term use. Generally you do it for a 8-12 week cycle and then cycle off, etc. Personally, I didn't never notice that much bloating when I have used it but I know others have had different experiences. Keep in mind you taking about a slight increase water retention.

    I would say 15% for a women is unrealistic and is getting dangerously close to your essential body fat. Keep in mind that female body builders that get below 15% BF do not do that year round. More likely in the off season they would be around 18-20% range you are at and would only be in that extreme range in preparation for a competition, etc.

    Also, you may need to look at your diet. Now that you are looking to gain muscle and strength you likely need to increase you calorie intake. Just make sure you keep it clean, with a high % of quality protein, so that you gain more muscle than fat.

    What type of vegetarian are you? If you are vegan that could be a bit tough, but if you can still consume eggs and dairy it shouldn't be that hard.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I just started a cycle of creatine myself. Never took it before.

    On the days I lift I do one scoop of NO Shotgun before hitting the gym. Afterwards I do a scoop of Beta Alanine and take creatine.
    On the days I run I do a scoop of Beta Alanine before the run and do the creatine after.