2 pounds a week weightloss



  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    Wow!!! Everyone here has great advice.

    Here's my two cents:
    Something you may not have considered is that you have to account for sodium intake as well. If you have high sodium levels, your body will compensate by gaining water weight. If you are drinking lots of water and eating lots of sodium, you will gain a lot of water weight.

    When you enter your exercise, you are consuming calories that you have already eaten. This is negative calories, so they are subtracted from your total. You need have 1200 calories total a day. You'll notice when you enter it into MFP, it will add calories to your total and have a note that says "you have gained X calories from exercise"

    Hope this helps! I'm in the same boat!!! :)
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    I am about ready to pull my hair out with this net calorie stuff. I consider myself to be fairly intelligent and just don't get it. If anyone can help that would be great. I always thought eat 1200 a day and then exercise. This will cause a deficit and you will loose. uggghhh

    It confuses the heck out of me as well lol.

    So we should all aim for 1200 net then and not the other one
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I am about ready to pull my hair out with this net calorie stuff. I consider myself to be fairly intelligent and just don't get it. If anyone can help that would be great. I always thought eat 1200 a day and then exercise. This will cause a deficit and you will loose. uggghhh

    MFP gives you a calric intake to lose your goal amount of weight (500 cal/day deficit to lose 1 lb/week) So if you exercise and burn 400 your deficit is now 900 because you burned 400 cals more than MFP though you were going to, so to keep it at 500 you must eat back the 400 burned.
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    I have been on MFP for two weeks, trying to eat back a half of my exercise calories every day.
    In the first 4 days I lost 3 pounds. Then I went to party with a lot of food, and I could not resist eating it all. Next day there was another party. When I weighed myself a couple of days later, my 3 pounds were back! Then I was diligent for a week and lost those three pounds again. Now I am afraid to go to parties!
    My settings are to lose 0.7 pounds a week, I need to lose about 25 pounds, and my daily calories (without exercise calories) are 1200.
    It's mind boggling.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    after I lost the first 100 pounds I started listening more to my body and TRUSTING it.....

    Here's what I've learned....

    RELAX and accept that this is a process that is going to include ups and downs.... find out exactly what those ups are!!!!!!!!

    I used to defeat myself EVERY SINGLE Month because I would for no reason gain about 6 - 8 pounds within a couple of days I was eating right, working out.... oh yeah.... and turns out when I ovulate..... I bloat like crazy and hang onto that water weight for two weeks!..... yep till after. Then I lose it all in a day or so, but by then I'm discouraged and frustrated and whats the point???? obviously I can't do this even when I'm doing my best! .... the point is.... weight gain is NOT always fat gain.... in fact it's impossible for your body to pack on 2-3 lbs overnight..... if you're up.... there is a reason.....look for it and deal with it then move on to the next challenge.....

    Eat healthier, not less..... aim for 1200 calories and make them count!....eat real foods that your body knows what to do with. As hard as it is to wrap your mind around.... unless you are seriously obese, as I was when I began, you really need to eat at least some of your exercise calories back.... I try and aim for half...... although I usually fail.... it's a goal that I work towards every day..... my body needs those calories to convince it that it's safe to give up those reserves it has stored, and it desperately needs the proteins and carbs to help repair all these poor exhausted muscles that have been dragged out of retirement..... when you start trusting your body, it will start trusting you and working with you, letting go of that fat, and replacing it with muscle....

    MOVE CONSTANTLY..... I try and keep music playing around me all day with a good beat... even if all I can do is tummy crunches while I'm standing in line or chair dancing!..... I always try to keep something moving to that beat..... when the time is right I break out in spontaneous workouts or dancing and get in 5-10 minutes of active cardio to get my heart going.... I've given up the gym completely, and keeping that beat going keeps me motivated all day long......

    There are a million ways to exercise around you, and I LOVE finding ways to beat those calories back........How many of you are sitting at a lap top?....... pick it up, hold it out in front of you at arms reach.... now lift it 10 times or until you can feel it? There.... you toned your muscles and you burned the calories from the cream in your coffee this morning.... People can tell you all they want that it's not going to help..... I say bite me :) ....... I gained this weight one calorie at a time...... and in the last 18 months I've gotten rid of it one calorie burned at a time......it takes fuel ( calories) to run that body.... EVERYTHING you do to make it work harder.... costs it a tiny bit more in reserves...... and that my friends is the goal!

    I'm not saying it works for everyone.... I'm saying getting real and just getting at it.... worked for me :) .... good luck
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I have been on MFP for two weeks, trying to eat back a half of my exercise calories every day.
    In the first 4 days I lost 3 pounds. Then I went to party with a lot of food, and I could not resist eating it all. Next day there was another party. When I weighed myself a couple of days later, my 3 pounds were back! Then I was diligent for a week and lost those three pounds again. Now I am afraid to go to parties!
    My settings are to lose 0.7 pounds a week, I need to lose about 25 pounds, and my daily calories (without exercise calories) are 1200.
    It's mind boggling.

    My guess is going to be water gain from eating lots of high sodium stuff two days in a row...... remember water gain is NOT weight gain and water weight is the number we see moving on the scale MOST often...... when you are up three pounds from yesterday.... it's obvious your body is retaining SOMETHING other than fat...... it takes a while for your body to convert food into fat.... and it can NOT turn every morsel you eat into fat...... it will absorb only so much and flush the rest..... sounds like you retained a little water for a few days after eating the wrong foods and now you don't know what is safe anymore........

    GO PARTY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy yourself... dance your *kitten* off.... and remember to pay attention to what you're eating so that you're braced for what's coming tomorrow
  • ronnikins
    ronnikins Posts: 15 Member
    If you only have 40lbs to lose 2lb/week is too aggressive of a weight loss plan, and you will most likely end up losing lean muscle along with fat if you stick with it. Here is a guide for setting weekly weight loss goals:
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    I like this, thankx for posting!

    I have been pretty consistant of losing 1-2 lbs/week, with my diet of around 1200 cals consumed/day, my exercise 6 days/week. I am also losing inches. I'm pretty Excited about this!

    Just havn't found what works for burning the belly fat and toning yet. Which I'd REALLY like to!
  • Mrsnuffdog
    Ill start by saying that this is only my personal view before some one tells me im talking ****e.
    you will read on here many different views on weather or not to eat back your exersice calories.
    The way I look at it is this.
    there are two training zones. Cardio and fat burn.
    fat burning happens when your heart rate is at approx 65% of your maxium and cardio at over 65% of your max.
    When I state your max heart rate im not refering to the general 220 - your age basic calculation you need a fittness stress test to get the actual figures for yourself so that you can calculate the different zones. my heart rate regularly reaches over 200 and im 45
    If im working cardio then i will eat back about 80% of the calories I have worked off because if your training in cardio zone your body is burning off carbs and sugar not fat and without putting some of it back I become very tired and drained physically.
    If on the other hand im training in the fat burn zone im not pushing myself hardly at all and my body is breaking down fat to use as its energy source not carbs and sugar, so i dont eat back any of the exersice calories. This works well for me but it may not for everbody. Im loosing a steady 2+ pounds a week.
    Ill finish by saying everybody is diferent you really just need to work out what works best for you, but dont loose hope and stick at it you will get there :)
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    If you only have 40lbs to lose 2lb/week is too aggressive of a weight loss plan, and you will most likely end up losing lean muscle along with fat if you stick with it. Here is a guide for setting weekly weight loss goals:
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    Interesting thanx! :happy:

    thank you!!! I'm gonna lift it and post it else where to share! :wink:
  • Mrsnuffdog
    I have to agree with the other reply the 3lb would be mainly water retention from eating party food high in sugar and salt. you would have to eat 10500 cals more than you body required to maintain its self to put on 3lb fat and thats a lot of food. This water retention can take a few days to right it self after having a binge and you may feel bloated as well for a bit.
    you need to let your hair down every now and then dont let it worry you and good luck
  • sportyskylar
    Eat right, excercise, stay motivated, stay positive, and most of all persevere through all those mental barriers