30 Day Shred.



  • leighllf

    I am on day 7 of lesson 1 and am doing great! I feel great after I workout and am really sore. Not too bad, but a good burn!

    I would love to have a group to motivate. I am using 5 pound weights and 3 pound weights.
  • jcartwright2008
    jcartwright2008 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm on Day 6 of level one. I'm not going to lie, I definitely stop a tiny bit here and there for a quick breath (or go a little slower than she does in the DVD). PLEASE tell me I'm on the only one that does this!

    That said, I'm already seeing improvement in my ability to do the exercises and in how my clothes are fitting (maybe it's all just in my mind since it's so soon, but I feel great). I've done it all straight in a row and was REALLY sore for the first 4-5 days and just today my quads are starting to feel better. So worth it.

    You're not the only one! :flowerforyou: I just told my husband last night, I think my pants are fitting just a hair bigger, haha
  • kyrasmum
    I did this for 10 days in january and felt great. My fitness improved loads I lost a few inches and 3 pound and my body shape was definitely improving. Then I went away for a long weekend and got completely demotivated! I'm going to restart the 30 days and hopefully have more will power. I gues if you do end up missing a day or 2 it's not that bad as long as you get back on it straight after. Any succes stories from people doing this dvd? :smile:
  • hsandall
    hsandall Posts: 106 Member
    I started Ripped in 30 today too!!!! Just did 2 x 20 min circuits, you can do it!!!!

    Friend me if ya like......
  • AmandaBroun
    I've been doing 30DS alternating with other workouts (usually Turbofire routines)

    I think I've done 5 days worth now and the lunges are still killing me - I modify and do 5 on one leg, pivot, do five on the other leg and repeat for each set instead of doing all of one set with the same leg forward. It helps.
  • LBlagden
    LBlagden Posts: 1 Member
    I just started today! Also just found MFP today. I've done 30DS a few times but always stopped after a couple of days. I'm determined to get through the whole 30 day set this time though. It was always extremely hard in the past, but it wasn't too bad this morning - wondering if the fact that I've been running outside for the last few weeks made the difference. Although ask me tomorrow if I'm still not sore. :)
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I do this maybe 3 days a week, ride my bike 30-50mins and started 6w6p, and i alternate about five days a week with the three, some days one of those, some days two. I have seen great results in how my clothes fit but nothing on the scale. I hve lost inches tho.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    Love the 30ds! My results are in my profile. You should definitely stick with it. It's awesome! A lot of her DVDs are. :)
  • sjschewlakow
    sjschewlakow Posts: 120 Member
    I did the 30 day shred for nearly 5 months straight with only 2 days off (in the 5 month period...I didn't like skipping days unless I absolutely had to). I liked it a lot and it got me started losing weight. I lost approx. 30lbs during that time. I wasn't dieting at the time or I would have had better success.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    Love 30DS. Have worked my way through it (took me about 45 days though, as I took about 18 days on level one!). I'm doing BFBM about twice a week now, and alternating the levels on 30ds the other nigths. BFBM is absolutely brutal because it is 7 circuits! so even level two and level three of 30ds seem 'easy' compared to BFBM. But BFBM is absolutely brilliant. I finished it, collapsed and felt so pleased with myself. what a workout that is!
  • RubyDavies
    RubyDavies Posts: 23 Member
    29 days 'till i'm going to america, wearing a bikini. I'm buying this tomorrow and will do a 28 day shred!
  • malibukaty11
    malibukaty11 Posts: 35 Member
    I sub it in with other workouts too, mostly because I get bored doing the same thing day after day. But it's a good workout!

    I have a weird question, does anyone else's dvd not allow you to fast forward through the opening credits and her 5 minute intro talk? It's so annoying that I have to listen to that every. single. time. I use the dvd, but it will not allow me to forward thru it to the menu. Is it just mine? Maybe I will order another copy if so.
  • kimiebee
    kimiebee Posts: 62 Member
    I have been doing the 30DS and Ripped in 30 twice a day, for the last month or so. Doing double the workout has certainly helped me tone my body and lose weight. I admit that I can't get through some of the exercises in the harder levels without taking Jillians 5 sec breather. I have BFBM, but haven't tried it yet....not sure I would be able to make it through it!! I take a break on weekends, but get right back into it come Monday morning!! I love JM... her workouts are intense and they work!
  • loislane22
    I sub it in with other workouts too, mostly because I get bored doing the same thing day after day. But it's a good workout!

    I have a weird question, does anyone else's dvd not allow you to fast forward through the opening credits and her 5 minute intro talk? It's so annoying that I have to listen to that every. single. time. I use the dvd, but it will not allow me to forward thru it to the menu. Is it just mine? Maybe I will order another copy if so.

    Nope its mine too! its really annoying, you get all ready to workout and then you have to stand there listening to her blab on for a few minutes, very frusterating.
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm on level 1 day 9! I'm making myself get up earlier in the morning and doing it before going to work!!!

    Not sure if I'm excited about moving on to Level 2 or not!!

    Here's a link to a group of people doing the 30DS. There are people at all different stages of the workout helping to motivate and support each other.


    Feel free anyone to add me as a friend.
  • Amani27
    Can you tell me if you no how it compares to insanity?
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I sub it in with other workouts too, mostly because I get bored doing the same thing day after day. But it's a good workout!

    I have a weird question, does anyone else's dvd not allow you to fast forward through the opening credits and her 5 minute intro talk? It's so annoying that I have to listen to that every. single. time. I use the dvd, but it will not allow me to forward thru it to the menu. Is it just mine? Maybe I will order another copy if so.

    No i cannot fast forward either! It is annoying but i use that time to jog around my living room and start my time then, u get a few extra minutes added to ur total!
  • malibukaty11
    malibukaty11 Posts: 35 Member
    I sub it in with other workouts too, mostly because I get bored doing the same thing day after day. But it's a good workout!

    I have a weird question, does anyone else's dvd not allow you to fast forward through the opening credits and her 5 minute intro talk? It's so annoying that I have to listen to that every. single. time. I use the dvd, but it will not allow me to forward thru it to the menu. Is it just mine? Maybe I will order another copy if so.

    No i cannot fast forward either! It is annoying but i use that time to jog around my living room and start my time then, u get a few extra minutes added to ur total!

    That's a good idea! I have been doing Insanity and P90x the last year, and both are great programs but I like having something that works you and doesn't take an hour. I just went on Amazon and read a bunch of reviews about Jillian's 6 Week to a Six Pack and the Ripped in 30 Programs (supposed to be similar to Shred but a little more varied) so I ordered them (can't beat $9 each). I like the idea the above poster had about just popping in whatever video you feel like that day. I think between these DVDs and my Beachbody ones hopefully I can get out of this slump I have been in!