help!! need exercise advise

Hey i hold most of my weight in my stomach and my thighs. is there any exercise routines at home that you can share to burn belly and leg fat?


  • kgarman
    kgarman Posts: 61 Member
    Nope. You can't spot reduce.
  • chu604
    chu604 Posts: 353 Member
    Nope. You can't spot reduce.


    Unfortunately you can't spot reduce fat
    Think of your body like a body of water.. You pull the plug and it all goes out at a level pace.

    What you can do!
    Is focus on those areas to try and tone and tighten.
    For your stomach that is going to have to be taken off through diet,cardio and or weight training.
    Diet is key!!

    I like to use youtube whenever I am trying to look up some new things to do!
    Try searching : Inner Thigh Workouts For Woman

    Im sure you will find some great stuff!
  • liljgrafix
    Awesome thanks!!
  • dreamin2bethin
    dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
    I work out 5 days a week and my workout is about 1 hour and 30 minutes long. I do roughly 50-60 minutes of cardio,30 minutes on the elliptical and a 20-30 minute run. I then work on my core, 200 crunches, and I use a medicine ball to do the rest. I would look up ab workouts with a medicine ball or something. They are pretty cheap if you don't have one, I just use the ones at the gym. I then do strength training, I don't do it all 5 days. This week I am doing 3 days and next week I will do 2. I do this because I work out 5 days a week and basically do a full body workout anyways and I don't want to injure myself or push myself too much because I also have a job, internship, and I a full-time student. By doing this I lose inches everywhere, I have noticed it most in my waist, I have lost 4 pant sizes.
  • liljgrafix
    Thats awesome. thank you so much. currently i govon a brisk morning walk daily for 60 minutes. then i usually do a biggest loser circut training and thwn 10 minutes of crunches or pishups . also do stepup. so far so good just teying to find other routines