Recent member, looking for a great support network :)

Hey everyone :)

I've been using MFP for almost three weeks now, and so far, I'm loving it!

However, most of the people around me eat crap, and sometimes it's hard to stick to my goals. I've done well so far at resisting the temptations (except for a few pizza binges). But, I thought it would be a good idea to have a support network who has the same goals as me, and isn't going to tell me I'm crazy for giving up unhealthy food.


  • I'll cheer you on!:smile:
  • goldengodd3ss
    goldengodd3ss Posts: 47 Member
    Hi KelseyPalmTre,

    I've been using MFP for about 3 weeks as well on my iPhone and I love it!. Today is the first time I logged into the website and found out that there is a great community out here!

    So like you, I want to live a healthier lifestyle because I am surrounded by so many temptations. If I lose weight in the process, it's a bonus, but my main objective is to build on healthy food choices and more exercise.

    Encouraging cheers from people like MistyboBitsy goes a long way!

    Good luck! (and wish me luck too!)
  • feel free to add me...i'd be glad to support you.
  • LOL goldengodd3ss You keep up the good work too! Just being on here is an awesome first step.
  • Losinitforgood
    Losinitforgood Posts: 28 Member
    I'll cheer you on as well ! MFP is a great place, so far the best calorie counter/exercise tracker I've found, and a great community too! :)
  • brenda26143
    brenda26143 Posts: 12 Member
    today is my 2 day on mfp and i am loving it really hard to do when others around you eat what ever they want !!! i have tried all kinds of diets and lost weight just to put it back on but i am learning now to take care of my self and not to always put others before me . I would be glad to have some friends on here for support !!! Good luck to everyone
  • gimmewellness
    gimmewellness Posts: 81 Member
    i work at a Physiotherapy office where you think it'd be boss is the worst!! pizza every other day!! Samosa's, burgers. He's awful. but he only has 17% body fat...the buggar. I tell him the way he's going he's gonna gain weight really quickly. So I understand having those temptations around you all the time. It's ok to indulge every now and again. My nutritionist says if you live the 80/20 rule you'll be fine. 80% of the time you eat well, the other 20% you get to cheat. It's all good. You can't deprive yourself or it's just going to get worse. Think of it as a lifestyle change, not a Diet. Whew...that was wordy!!! lol
  • RachelGraceReed83
    RachelGraceReed83 Posts: 133 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'll cheer you on! I need supporters as well being as I'm the only one in my house that is eating healthy and exercising! :)
  • goldengodd3ss
    goldengodd3ss Posts: 47 Member
    Reeds, I am the only one in my house eating healthy and exercising too!! :tongue:
  • goldengodd3ss
    goldengodd3ss Posts: 47 Member
    Think of it as a lifestyle change, not a Diet. Whew...that was wordy!!! lol

    I agree that it's a lifestyle change. I am more conscious of what I am putting in my body now and I find myself really excited about entering my foods and exercise on MFP. I tried counting calories solely by looking at labels and logging into a journal, but it was so cumbersome and failed after a few days on each try. MFP makes it so much easier!
  • Wow. Thanks everyone for all the great posts and support offers :)

    I've been on here for like 2 hours, tops, and already I've had more support and heard from great people than I have on any other site :)

    You all rock!
  • irishasian05
    irishasian05 Posts: 26 Member
    I agree about the support network! It's one thing to see progress in yourself, but it's another to have people cheering you on! Good luck, and keep up the good work!
  • irishasian05
    irishasian05 Posts: 26 Member
    32 lbs! Wow! That's fantastic!
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    I'm in the same spot as you, 3 small kids and a fiance who has no desire to eat healthy or get into shape (even if he needs it). As of now this is my only support since I'm fighting this on my own at home right now. Add me if you would like I'll cheer you on.
  • I would love to be part of your network! Goodness knows I need the cheering squad sometimes, too! :) Please feel free to add me :):)
  • Im sure at least a handful of you on here have FB. Whenever I post a status about my new diet, positivity towards life, etc. and whenever my friends on their like my statuses or comment, it brightens up my day and keeps me even more motivated. I just started looking around the message boards today on here and Im also looking for a great support system. I work out alone so I dont have that "workout buddy" but I think "fitness buddies" on here would help immensely. I look forward to gaining friendships, finding support, and most importantly, offering out support as well! Please feel free to add me as well, anyone and everyone :)
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    I'm really impressed by the level of community here as well. I switched over to MFP about 10 days ago and I'm loving everything about this site. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want more people in your support group. I'm also 22 and in college so we have some things in common.
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    You're not crazy and I hear ya, it is really hard sometimes to chose healthy and low calorie but we'll all support each other and make progress as we go.

    My husband and I are doing this together so that really helps, no temptations around the house. We are trying to have as much fresh, noon-packaged food as possible. It's a lot of cooking hard to stay on top of all the time but we're trying - tonight was burger night out tho so I really enjoyed that!

    If you need friends feel free to add me and we'll motivate each other.

  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Feel free to add w/ Lent I will be supporting others and will need support
  • mochomito
    mochomito Posts: 81 Member
    Add me as a friend - I am also new here - been here for 3 days and I like this site.

    As for the Pizza binges - well - pizza is my favorite - but maybe eating a veggie pizza and just one slice very slowly will fill up the craving and you won't feel deprived, then eat like a carrot and all is well.