Unable to meet calorie goals

Is anyone else having this problem? It may be because I just started and my body is still getting use to my new routine but I feel like I have to work really hard to fill my day with food. Especially because I'm drinking about 3 liters of water a day, I'm just never hungry! Add that to school and work and it gets ever harder! And THEN if I do meet my calorie goals for the day, I'm always over on something else (sugar is usually the first one to go over). Any ideas of some higher calorie foods that are low in sugar or if anyone else had this problem and got over it, any advice?


  • Tami113
    Tami113 Posts: 117 Member
    you must be one amazing person lol if you can not meet your calorie goal. are you trying to lose or gain? what is your goal for the day? i tend to go over on sugar quickly because i eat a lot of fruits. avocados are high in calories and are unfortunately my favorite! you can cook with a low sodium butter or put some olive or flax seed oil on top of your food. you can also drink your calories with juices and milk which will provide you with added vitamins like calcium and vitamin c. don't get discouraged and i don't think you should force yourself to eat if you are not hungry, that might not be good either. hope this helps. this is what i would do at least
  • smalacarne
    bump i am having same problem.... i am trying to eat more protein to bring up calories
  • Rayjewls
    Rayjewls Posts: 96 Member
    You can check out my food diary to get ideas...I'm on a 1400 calorie lifestyle...lol. Good luck and you can add me if you'd like.
  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    I am having the same problem! I am eating 3 meals a day + 2 snacks and I am WAY UNDER my calories. I usually earn about 600 from exercise so I know that has a lot do with it it. MFP has me at 1490 ( I am 148lbs, 5'9, 29yrs old) for the day. After the exercise and all my food for the day, it still says my "net calories" is only like 800 calories. I am eating 1500+ each day. So I don't know if I am doing harm or what. So confusing. For anyone who is pretty knowledgable with this, please feel free to view my food diary and offer advice :)
  • joyce1129
    joyce1129 Posts: 62 Member
    That was my issue when I first started. I was always a water drinker, so what I did was purchase a really good quality protein powder and mix it with my water three times per day. It adds 23-25 grams of protein 3 times a day and anywhere between 120-150 calories per serving. Protien help keep you full so you are not craving. Eat a hearty breakfast, with at least 8 grams of protein, have a snack (protein shake) a few hours later, fix a healthy lunch, again with good protein (tuna, chicken, hard cooked eggs) another protein shake as a snack, a good evening meal and finally a third shake in the late evening. You will increase your calorie intake by about 400 and your protein grams by about 70.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I have the same problem....I have never been a big eater. I just can't seem to master the art of eating properly for any considerable length of time. And now on top of that, I have come to really hate food, especially these days when eating seems to be getting more and more complicated. But since using this app., i've decided to just ignore all the food politics and get back to the basics of eating fruits and veggies and attempting to make sure i've covered all my nutrients on a daily basis. Which like you say can be a task to say the least.. Just be patient, you'll gradually work your way through the food emporium and settle on a combination of the foods you enjoy and the foods containing the nutrients you must have to fuel your body...and good luck!!!
  • mlang1955
    mlang1955 Posts: 55 Member
    I had heard that MFP over-states calories burned from exercise. Recently, I have returned to the gym and I am submitting the calories burned as displayed by the machine vs what MFP recommends. For example, today I walked for 60 min on the treadmill and the machine said 323 calories, however, MFP said 596.
  • mdcnwolf
    mdcnwolf Posts: 21 Member
    OK According to my nutritionist, the first rule of thumb with this calorie counter thing is that when you exercise and it adds extra calories you can eat.....stick to the calories you are told to eat without the exercising.
    Example: if you are allowed to eat 1400 calories a day and you exercise and it ADDS 450 calories to your 1400 (1400 + 450 = 1850), DON"T go over your 1400. You don't NEED the extra calories. Those added are for MAINTAINING you current weight. You are trying to lose, so stick to what your calorie goal is before the exercising.
    Oh, 3 liters of water is too much for your body to process also, try tea or flavored water (the clear, no calorie or sugar ones). That will make you a little bit hungery so you can nurish your body with what it needs or wants. It is ok to have sweets sometimes, just in moderation. According to my nutritionist, you can eat junk food all day long as long as you don't go over you calorie goal. (I haven't put that to the test......)
    Hope that helps. You can add me if you wish.

    Good Luck
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    You can check out my food diary to get ideas...I'm on a 1400 calorie lifestyle...lol. Good luck and you can add me if you'd like.

    I do not see a diary for you : ( I would love to see some ideas please
  • smokingsoviet
    Raw almonds are packed with calories and low in sugar--however, they're pretty high in fat, but it's the good kind of fat. And I think they're pretty filling.
  • bergsangel
    I had heard that MFP over-states calories burned from exercise. Recently, I have returned to the gym and I am submitting the calories burned as displayed by the machine vs what MFP recommends. For example, today I walked for 60 min on the treadmill and the machine said 323 calories, however, MFP said 596.

    This^ even my p90x WAY overstates caories burned. I found a great site that tells me by my weight and such tho for p90x...makes a big difference by like 50%...
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    *Buy nuts, measure them out and put them in ziplock baggies. When you can't meet your limit, grab a bag.
    *Add avocado to your morning breakfast routine. (I eat half of one).
  • kelr04
    kelr04 Posts: 15
    I too am having the same problem. Just found out I am pre-diabetic. Trying to follow a 1250
    calorie diet, but also have to watch the carbs and protein. It is soooo confusing. If I watch my
    carbs then I don't get enough calories. I had 900 on Monday and about the same today.
    I need high calorie-low carb foods....Any ideas??????
  • wringiadoc
    I got the same issue.
    Funny thing is I was trying to loose weight for ages so I been cutting on food.
    I was getting frustrated as I wasn't loosing any, even though I had been told chances are slim because I have Addisons disease which kinda messes with my metabolism, and I'm on cortisone for life and also on epilepsy meds, but it doesn't keep me from trying. So anyway, someone suggested to try this app, and i did.
    After 2 days filing in I had waaaay to few calories, around 900/1000 a day, and it kept saying I put myself in starvation mode.
    I suppose I wasn't doing my body any good as it messes even more with the metabolism.

    So I hooooope I can get to eat more to get more calories...Argh, so hard!

    The idea of eating nuts sound great but I'm deadly allergic to it -_- bah
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    OK According to my nutritionist, the first rule of thumb with this calorie counter thing is that when you exercise and it adds extra calories you can eat.....stick to the calories you are told to eat without the exercising.
    Example: if you are allowed to eat 1400 calories a day and you exercise and it ADDS 450 calories to your 1400 (1400 + 450 = 1850), DON"T go over your 1400. You don't NEED the extra calories. Those added are for MAINTAINING you current weight. You are trying to lose, so stick to what your calorie goal is before the exercising.

    That is not exactly true.

    If you entered into MFP that you wanted to lose 1lb a week and it gave you a calorie goal of 1400 you are ALREADY eating at a deficit so if you earn another 400 cals and eat them, you will still lose 1lb a week.

    If you don't eat the exercise calories you've now burned an extra 400 calories off and now you've eaten a net of 1000 for the day.

    Some people think this is ok. Others will say never eat under 1200 calories.
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    I looked at your diary for today. I would suggest getting rid of the diet coke and replace with some healthier alternatives, even a treat if you have wiggle room. The diet pop is not a very good option if you are trying to eat clean. You can pick from multiple fruits, nuts, cheese or all of the above. That should help you get to your calorie baseline goal. Choosing to eat your exercise calories is up to you. Some do and some don't but the overall opinion is at least eat some of them.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Also forget the fat free light yogurt.
    Go for greek yogurt or even just normal yogurt. Less artificial sweetners and more protein (if you start eating greek yogurt) and you can afford the extra calories