loving yourself before you start is number one

I know I will be still be the same person after losing weight as I am now. Weight has always been tied to my self worth as people react to me differently when I am over weight. I, however realize I am the one acting differently when I am thinner. I am more outgoing, smile more, take more risks, and engage in more conversation. I am just as worthy of happiness heavier as I am thinner. Put on makeup, get your nails done and buy a new outfit to feel your best. Love youself now so that when you are thinner you won't be trying to go back and make it up to the heavier person you once were. Make friends with who you are now or you'll always feel an obligation to the old heavier you. We shouldn't feel guilty for who we are, were, or will become. Deep down we are the same person. So today I am going to love myself just the way I am knowing when I've lost 20lbs I am no different than I am today.

Love you just the way you are!!!


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I know I will be still be the same person after losing weight as I am now. Weight has always been tied to my self worth as people react to me differently when I am over weight. I, however realize I am the one acting differently when I am thinner. I am more outgoing, smile more, take more risks, and engage in more conversation. I am just as worthy of happiness heavier as I am thinner. Put on makeup, get your nails done and buy a new outfit to feel your best. Love youself now so that when you are thinner you won't be trying to go back and make it up to the heavier person you once were. Make friends with who you are now or you'll always feel an obligation to the old heavier you. We shouldn't feel guilty for who we are, were, or will become. Deep down we are the same person. So today I am going to love myself just the way I am knowing when I've lost 20lbs I am no different than I am today.

    Love you just the way you are!!!

    That's a nice thought, and maybe the way it SHOULD be, but, I'm sure that pretty much EVERYONE will feel MUCH better about themselves when they DO lose the weight that has depressed them and kept them more withdrawn.
    I know that in my own case, I feel soooooooo much more confident and happy with myself these days, now that I've lost the weight that I so desperately wanted to lose! :happy:
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Hear, Hear!!:drinker: I feel the same way. Why do we wait to love ourselves? You need to make peace with who you are or who you will become is someone that still has the same self-esteem issues wrapped in a better package.
  • pbell
    pbell Posts: 15
    :flowerforyou: I must be one step ahead of myself then. Even at my highest weight I have been a VERY outgoing person. I get my hair done, I just left the nail salon AAAAND I clothes shop with very little frustration. I am an active member of my childs PTA and join in all social gatherings. I am changing my weight basically fpr the heath benefits. I want to be around long enough to see my babies have babies and maybe even those babies to have babies. I am a strong, confident, outgoing person. Weight has not affected me emotionally at all (that I have noticed). I have been heavy most of my life so I will see how much of a difference losing weight will make. If it makes me anymore outgoing I might just have to gain it back...lol...jk. :heart:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever. You will love this site if you don't already. I :heart: it here. This site is so motivational, helpful, supportive, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    Welcome to MFP:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    This is a great site. :bigsmile: Take the time to learn about all the great features and use them.
    You will succeed if you work hard.

    Take it one day at a time
    Stay open minded to new ideas
    Take baby steps
    Drink lots of water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Think of this as a new way of life, not just a temporary diet.

    It always helps me to log my food first before I eat so here are no surprises.

    Find a group to be part of and check in with them every day.