New and would like some pals

Hi, I'm Anndrea and I am 21 years old. I just joined this site two days ago and I love it already. Anyone want to be friends to keep eachother motivated? Add me.


  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Feel free to add me. Other than joining. What else are you doing to "transform" yourself into the image you want?
  • I am mostly trying to get healthier mostly, the being more attractive is just a bonus lol, so I'm eating smaller portions of healthier food and being more active. I never have any energy and I am getting knee surgery on the 23rd of March, so my activity has been drastically limited.
  • Hi I am Pam and have recently got the motivation to start getting serious about losing weight! Feel free to add me!
  • What is ur problem area? The one u hate the most? Mine is my stomach. I wish I could take the fat in my stomach and put it on my butt. Lol :)
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Remember don't cut your eating too much. If you search on MFP you will find lots of information about eating the right amount. Just remember your body needs xxxx calories for normal body functions + xxxx calories for your daily life - xxxx calories for exercse gives you your NET calories for the day. What ever your body needs you want to short it a little bit not a lot little means 300-500 per day shortage this creates safe weight loss.
  • aircantu1
    aircantu1 Posts: 55 Member
    I added you
  • Olblueiiii
    Olblueiiii Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome Anndrea. You've made a great decision to join MFP. I know something about dealing with physical limitations. I'm happy to hear you are able to do something about your knee. You have a great attitude and I know you'll do well here. If you don't mind that I'm a guy and I'm old, you're welcome to add me.
  • Welcome to the site!!! I am turning 21 in July and I am trying to be at my goal weight before then :) Need to be motivated too. Feel free to add me!
  • Thanks everyone! I will :D And thank you for the tips, it's just hard knowing you need to eat to lose weight and you eat to gain it. Finding that balance is key but sometimes it's a struggle which is why I am here.