new to working out..what to do?

yentasdoitbetter Posts: 82 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
i need some help with working out! i just bought a recumbant exercise bike and a home gym that goes on the back of the door.....

how many minutes and how fast should i be going at first on the bike? so far, i've been only going 20 minutes at 13 mph...i keep turning the tension up a few clicks every 5 minutes...but i think i have the tension turned up too high cause my legs get tired before my body does. i feel like i could keep going if my legs weren't so jello'y!

the door gym thing, i'm still learning that....

and i'm always willing to walk outside, and have a pedometer on my cell phone...

sooo maybe someone could suggest some daily regiment to stick to like:

to warm up...
_____ stretching on the gym

____ minutes on the bike at ____mph (or any other suggestion)

____ minutes walking (or how many steps to take)

i keep hearing everyone talking about how they couldnt walk the first week they started, well I WANNA FEEL LIKE THAT TOO! any suggestions would be great!

currently - 207lbs
mini goal - 195lbs by end of the month

Created by - Easy Calorie Counting


  • You should try P90X. You will be sore from head to toes and will see the results in a matter of day!!! :happy:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I've always heard that you should do a few minutes of cardio then stretch, as opposed to stretching being first thing you do. You need to warm up your muscles first and get the blood pumping otherwise you might pull a muscle. You can do like 5 minutes on the bike, then stretch, then continue on the bike.
  • I am a big fan of the elliptical trainer. It will hurt when you first start out however you can burn major calories doing cardio on that machine.
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    It sounds like your legs aren't very strong...yet :) You should be lifting or strengthening your legs because it sounds like you're experiencing "dead legs" which I call it. If you want to get sore, here is what I might try:

    Bike at at an easy pace for five minutes--you can have a conversation with a friend
    stretch your whole body especially your legs using different angles
    then do the following for leg strengthening:
    clockwork lunges: with your right leg lunge forward, then bring it out to the right side past your shoulder and do a squat then take your right leg and lunge it backward. Repeat this set ten times then switch legs and repeat that set ten times. It should be like up, side, back.
    shoulder squats: keep your feet shoulder width and squat back and squeeze your butt and back of your legs as you come up. Your quads are going to try to take over because they are stronger so you have to squeeze. You might want to set a chair behind you and touch the chair slightly with your butt so you know you are going back far enough. do 15
    Squats: do the same thing but keep your feet together. do 15
    repeat clockwork lunges.

    then, if you still want some more... either
    a. do your bike but do interval training. ride hard where your breathless for one minute and then moderate for two. repeat this set as many times as you can..i would suggest somewhere between 5-10 times.. then cooldown at your warm up pace for 5 and stretch again
    b. go outside and run/walk you can do the interval principle again maybe run for a minute then walk for two, hills will also strengthen you.

    I would only do leg strengthening maybe two or three times a week.

    hope that helps :)
  • yentasdoitbetter
    yentasdoitbetter Posts: 82 Member
    thank you sooo much! that was exactly what i was looking for! i'm gonna try it today! <3
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