Why I am fat in Western Pennsylvania

Ok, we got some great food here. Ok, the real reason. I started gaining in my mid 20's (34 now) after I lost a physically demanding job that allowed me to eat everything and not gain weight. I knew better after I lost the job, but I kept eating and getting bigger. I hit rock bottom in 2006 when I weighed 195 pounds. I'm only 5' 2". I had gotten my CDL and became a truck driver with my then boyfriend. I loved the job, but we either ate processed crap out of the truck or lived on fast food, and I lived on pop. I lost about 30 of it when I left the truck, but I gained some back. Pop is another problem. I love it. I've for the most part cut it out, but I have one can a night at work, that is, if I stay within my calorie limit. I drink water or Crystal Lite the rest of the time. My motivation? Besides a huge tote of brand name clothes that don't fit, I'm tired of looking like a weeble! LOL


  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Weebles wobble but they don't fall down! :laugh: Sorry, just had to say it.

    Good for you for recognizing the reasons for your weight gain, and being motivated to change it. Feel free to add me if you want extra support. (I'm not quite as good as control-top pantyhose, but working on it).
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Don't let those be excuses - there are no valid excuses. It's all up to you - your choices, your life.
  • jpapale
    jpapale Posts: 11 Member
    I'm from western PA too and boy do we have some awesome tasting (not so good on the figure) foods. After moving here 6 years ago I have put on about 60 pounds. I contribute alot of that to 1 - moving out of my parents house for the first time and 2 - all the new food choices. But I have had my fair share (plus enough for a couple more people) and I finally just said - okay no more Mini tacos or pizza logs!!!

    I am also 5'2 and starting out at 198 lbs. You can add me for some support if you'd like.

    Good luck to you.
  • I am also from west PA. Feel free to add me! I am also on the short side at 5'3 and weigh 206!
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    Why I am fat in Western Pennsylvania?

    Dunno. Try Ohio.

  • i know your not making excuses, your simply recognizing the reasons you've got to this point. acknowledgment is the first step. changing your eating habits is the second step. burning calories and staying active is the third step and finally, keep at it is your final step. your more than half way there! keep it up and remember, on your cheat days, you can a have a little of everything but not a lot of something. hard to do with all the fattening, greasy, yummy (insert homer drool noise here) Pittsburgh food...but you'll find a way to enjoy those devilish dishes without packing on the pounds. keep at it, d...your doing great!
  • Probably the same reason I moved away from there.... perogies! :laugh:
  • BenBz
    BenBz Posts: 46 Member
    Beaver County here!
  • mbroskey
    mbroskey Posts: 17 Member
    From Beaver Co near Pittsburgh add me :)