Bad bad day! Help me get back on track :(

OMG this was a bad day! Ate bad food and didn't do my work out. I felt like a big potato couch and that's what I did! I hate being like that. I feel bad and the more I feel bad the more I eat and the more I eat the more I feel I eat more. I know I can do it, I can get back on track, tomorrow is another day but I need some encouragement from people who knows what it's like to try to lose weight...
That was a bad day but I have to believe that better days are coming my way...

PS:sorry for my bad english I am french (from France) and living in French Canada


  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    Girl I know the feeling... had a few bad days this week! But the main thing is not to let it controle you! put it behind you and move on! We all have them it's what we do the next day that matters... head up and look forward you can do this.
  • colleenob1
    colleenob1 Posts: 22 Member
    Yesterday was a bad day for me. I logged my food knowing that it was going to be WAY over. I thought about not logging; however, seeing how 'bad' the bad days really are helps me to keep focused on doing better on the following days. I just accepted that it wasn't a great day, I ate things that I should not have & just continued to move forward. Today was much better...I got my focus back. It's ok to stumble every now and then...that is how we learn :)
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    C'est la vie! We all have those days and likely will have them again. The point is you're set to get back on track and you will.
    Good luck tomorrow :bigsmile:
  • rumsuck8
    rumsuck8 Posts: 59 Member
    I was almost there with you, but I sent out an SOS to my friends on mfp and they came back with ideas and suggestions. Turns out I just wanted comfort food cuz the weather is so crappy. Next time send out an immediate SOS to your pals, they just may come back with exactly what you need and it isn't always the food! Either way, today is just a day and tomorrow a new one comes. Don't beat yourself up. We are just human with compulsions. good luck!
  • deniserenee_02
    deniserenee_02 Posts: 158 Member
    You can do it we all need at least 1 cheat day, but don't over indulge.
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    Hang in there! We all have bad days, let it go and move onto tomorrow. No one is perfect and you just have to realize each day is a new start so don't beat yourself up about it!
  • 10thelucky
    10thelucky Posts: 5 Member
    I've struggled with overeating and emotional eating. The best advice I can give is to forget about it and move on. Don't beat yourself up about it. Yes, you made choices you wish wouldn't have. But you are human and you will have days where you aren't perfect. It's more about balance than anything else. Just get back on track and don't feel too bad. Tomorrow's a brand new day! You can find balance tomorrow! You must allow yourself little splurges now and then. :)
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    This usually works for me, and I hope it does for you.

    Tell yourself you are GLAD you had this bad day, because now it's over. You got it out of the way. It's behind you and it can never come back.

    Reset after a good night's sleep. Every day is brand new, with no mistakes in it. One day cannot drag you down - let it pass.

    We're all fighting the same fight, and we're all right behind you. You can do this!
  • That was me yesterday and today. I had to take folks out to dinner for a work function and I just could not order the grilled chicken and salad. I wanted to eat anything and everything. I logged every bad calorie and on top of that didn't exercise yesterday either. Today, I had to make myself go to the gym but I am so glad I did. If you just get back on track tomorrow--you will feel better. Don't let it beat you!
  • SexyJaye
    SexyJaye Posts: 102 Member
    Pardon me for my bad English as well, coz I'm an Asian. Pretty obvious. Lol!

    I know how it feels. Perhaps you are an emotional eater. Find something else to do the next time when u reach out for that junk.
    Rant on Facebook, MFP or anywhere!
    Once a while won't kill sweetie. In life we need a mixture of stuffs. Get back on track tomorrow and I'm sure you will do just fine. :)
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Oh, girl...we've ALL been there! Log it, forgive yourself, and tomorrow get up with the mind set that you just had a bad day, that you did NOT fail. You can do it! :) We're all human and we all mess up!
  • lostemt76
    lostemt76 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in the same boat of a lot of people. Got sick about a month ago then was out of the gym for close to 3 weeks recovering from being sick. I have hit a plateau bigtime. So I am doing everything in my power to get back on track. I don't want to fall back in to old habits which got me to where i started at. Ok I am doing venting now I am going to take shower and chill. Just want to be able to get back where I was before i got sick.:sad:
  • We just have to learn from our mistakes! I've had plenty of those days too and guess what? I'm 20lbs lighter because I didn't give up yet. I still have more weight to lose but as long as I don't let the past bad food days or lazy days get to me it won't be the end of me. Just remember what you want and visualize yourself healthy! Also remember this feeling and next time you start to fall of the wagon bring up the feelings you have now. You can do this. Just get back on track and don't look back! :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Each day holds the promise of a new beginning! No more moping around, you've enjoyed yourself, so get in gear tomorrow. We're counting on you because we are all in this together.
  • I can vouch for the bad days. Just pray as well as exercise on the next day. You can do it.
  • kbwdad
    kbwdad Posts: 50 Member
    Don't let one bad day get you so down. We all have had a bad day or days. Just look at why it happened and figure out what it is you need to do to avoid them. Tommorrow is a new day and a new start. You can do it.
  • I guess I wasn't the only one.... I have noticed that on the days I lose control on my carb and fat intake I become so fatigued... literally feel like I am carrying gallons of water around my waist and legs... it happens to all of us... it's a long journey... so just take it as a "this is exactly what I don't want to do" day and continue tomorrow. Plus, it's a big reality check... because I bet the overindulgence makes you now realize it was not worth it and probably even slowed you down like it does to me. We will get there... the hardest part of this was probably starting and making the commitment to change for life. :flowerforyou:
  • I have couch potato days!! And at the end I just remind myself: "All is not lost! It's just one day."

    And actually, it's kinda good to get your metabolism used to dealing with different levels of calories, just to keep it revved. That's why I do a 7 day calorie-cycle with one high calorie day and one low calorie day, the others are level.
  • Hey it's ok!! Everyone has days like that- the key is to bounce back and get back on track. My day was a little off also as I got called into work and couldn't make it into the gym. I also way over did it on my carbs but I know tomorrow is a new day and things will get back to normal. Keep your chin up! You can do this!!!
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    It's just one bad day, you can get back on track easily. I had two awful weeks, I binged and didn't work out and felt terrible. I also gained 3 pounds, then I realized It took me 1.5 months to lose that same weight! It was so not worth it, I was feeling like crap and tired all the time. I got back on track this week and I'm feeling awesome! I had to felt terrible to realize how great it feels to work out and eat healthy. Think like that, you're feeling bad today, you don't want to feel bad tomorrow, or the next day.