drinking only water?

Hello my name is Maggie, and I was wondering if drinking 8 cups of water each day really helps? Also I'm trying to stop drinking diet pepsi ( I drink a lot of it ) because i heard that your liver takes up so much time trying to break the stuff in diet pepsi down that its harder to burn fat!!! Any tips? Thanks everybody!!!


  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    I found the easiest way to quit Cola was cold turkey.

    Just stop, and replace it with tons of water.
    I did, and it has done wonders for me.
  • spazwgeo
    spazwgeo Posts: 70 Member
    Drinking water is a MUST if you are trying to lose weight. And if you are heavier it is recommended that you drink even more than 8 glasses. Water helps your body to not retain water and it can also help to digest food better. It also helps you feel full. Sometimes our body's tell us we are hungry when really we are simply dehydrated and in need of water.
  • jthomps85
    I stopped drinking all pop last year. I don't know about the liver, but my doctor told me that the carbination can stretch your stomach over time making it harder to feel full when you eat.

    When I stopped, I lost 15 pounds without changing my exercize habits or eating habits.
  • jpfrimmer
    I have noticed a huge difference since I started drinking more water. I try and drink 80-100 ounces of water a day and I don't drink anything else. I do mix milk or light orange juice when I have protein shakes, but other than that it's just water for me! It has helped a lot with weight loss and I feel like I have more energy.
  • Allic1971
    Allic1971 Posts: 145 Member
    HI no soda's for me, I have ice in mine and I started drinking 4 glasses a day, but now my body craves water and I can drink 9 375ml a day, put some ice and a slice in it!

    good luck!
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I gave up soda 2 months ago and while I don't think that I've lost weight because I quit soda, I do drink pretty much water and only water these days. I don't count my protein shakes and milk since they're good for me. And I have coffee about once or twice a month now when I feel like I just really seriously desperately need it.
  • xmoonlitex123
    xmoonlitex123 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, Maggie. :)
    I drink about 9 cups of water every day, & I can tell you that it makes a pretty sizable difference. Dehydration makes you bloat. My personal experience is that drinking enough water & not going over my daily recommended amount of sodium keeps me about 2lbs lighter. When I do go over or don't drink enough, the weight comes right back on and my pants fit a little more tightly. Drinking enough water also cuts down on cravings by a lot, especially for salty foods. Your body can easily mistake thirst for hunger, and drinking enough can make avoiding snacks soo much easier. Having a cup before a meal can also help you curb your appetite & keep from over-indulging.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    i gave up diet pepsi about a month ago(still have one every once in a while ) but the more water i drink the more my body tells me thats what it wants. I have a few cups of coffee every morning too, but water is my drink of choice now. and i drink way more than the 8 cups a day. I quit counting after 8
  • CurveAppeal86
    CurveAppeal86 Posts: 269 Member
    I also gave up drinking any sort of pop. I was drinking over 4 cans aday, and I was completely addicted. When I stopped (cold turkey), I was craving it, so I drank more water. Now I'm drinking about 12+ glasses of water a day and it's great!