Pigging out one day a week



  • ZumbaLin
    ZumbaLin Posts: 87 Member
    There you go! By eating what you want on weekends (not going crazy) you're losing but by not feeling deprived you'll probably be able to stick with it!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    i have done the one cheat day and I went overboard eating way too much. i think a cheat meal would be best.
  • SERinDC
    SERinDC Posts: 93 Member
    Based on my personal experience, this really messes with my progress. I'm currently training for a half marathon and usually workout six days a week burning an average of 500-700 calories a day. For the past few weekends there's at least one day whether due to birthday parties or going out of town that I eat significantly more than on regular days and worse foods too along with alcohol. This has really slowed my progress and I spend the rest of the week feeling like I'm catching up.

    Maybe see what works for you, but for me, even with very high amount of exercise, this is not an effective weight management/loss strategy.

  • I'm with ya word for word on this one. I consider my new way of eating a new lifestyle--fully internalized--not a diet so to speak. So I haven't had the urge to have a "cheat" day.

    But I do have a interesting example for you to consider: Recently, I had a day where I was more relaxed about my eating principles because of certain social occasion I was in. For the first time in two months my whole day was filled with things I don't normally eat (empty carbs, sugary pastries, not enough veggies and too much meat.) I was under my calorie goal but the foods were all "bad." The next few days after that my hunger and cravings were out of control! It was so hard to eat well, everything was a mental struggle and my willpower was being tested hardcore. The conclusion for me was that those "bad" things I had eaten totally messed with my system--my body started to crave more "bad" foods and it sent me into a craving tailspin. Had nothing to do with calories. So i guess if you had to have a cheat day my advice would be to not stress too much about going over calories as long as it was with nutrient rich, clean good for you foods.

    Love how you explained that.... makes so much more sense now, I am the same way!

    As others have said, one bad MEAL a week is a good idea, a whole day might lead to binging.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    i don't think of it as pigging out. It is a day for me to relax a bit and eat a few extra calories. I always aim to get there through healthy foods. Sunday is my day and I eat to just a bit above maintenance. I'm currently on 1300c/d, which does require extreme planning and careful thought to be full and stay under that total. Sunday is a day that I can worry far less. It has not (yet) affected me in the 6wks since I have enjoyed this "Spike" day. I am steadily losing with varying rates anywhere from 1.4-3lbs/wk.
  • I used to have a nutritionist who actually recommended this as it allows you to have stuff that you are missing once a week so you can stay motivated. If people think they can never have chocolate again because they are dieting then most likely they will not stick to their diet. However, you can't go nuts and eat like 5,000 calories of junk either. My daughter and I have McDonald's breakfast every Friday and this is my reward for a good weak.