Battle of the Bulge...

I'm Mike and I'm a foodaholic! Wait, wrong meeting! I've fought this battle since I was a teen. I've had success on a 1200 calorie a day diet in the past so that's what I'm aiming for now.

I was in traction with a broken leg when I was 15. I was 30 lbs overweight and the dietary staff put me on a 1200 calorie diet. It worked even without any exercise and the weight was gone in a couple of months.

I've got about 70 lbs to lose, I work midnights in a hospital pharmacy (hence the name "StatHaldol"). I work with a bunch of 20 year old students who can eat pizza and drink cokes every night and not gain any weight!! Don't you just hate it when that happens??

I've done OK since Monday. I refuse to weigh every week and choose instead to weigh monthly, so I'll see how I've done around the end of March!

Good luck fellow losers!! (Weight losers that is) :^)

Feel free to add me if you like.


  • vmwmvb
    vmwmvb Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to meet these 20 year olds and ask them their secretes because I sure has hell cant have pizza and coke every night x.x I know your pain room mates are the same junk food every night and then they call my veggies nasty x.x
  • StatHaldol
    StatHaldol Posts: 414 Member
    I would love to meet these 20 year olds and ask them their secretes because I sure has hell cant have pizza and coke every night x.x I know your pain room mates are the same junk food every night and then they call my veggies nasty x.x

    It's amazing! They will eat at least half of a large pizza, and drink soda all night. They are beer drinkers (not light beer, they drink the good stuff!) They must have the metabolism of a sparrow!
  • montynurse
    montynurse Posts: 5 Member
    Hi: I too work in a hospital as a nurse at night. But I don't see the 20 yr old eating at all. Guess my floor is very very busy ;) What I would like to know is how to calculate the calories I burn when I work the 12 hour shifts. And how come I am not losing as fast as I would like to with those killer nights.
  • StatHaldol
    StatHaldol Posts: 414 Member
    Same here! I really started gaining weight when I started working midnights...