sugar from fruit

So I am having a situation lately. I am going over my sugar for the day and that is one thing I try to keep in control because this past year I have been told by my doctor that I am borderline diabetic. Does anyone know about sugar from fruit? Is that ok? Is it a different kind of sugar? That is where a lot of my sugar is coming from. HELP! Thanks. :-)


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I looked at your dairy one day. You had girl scout cookies and hostess cupcakes. I didnt see any fruit. If you want to lose weight (healthy style not just calories argument) you will need to cut back on the junk like girl scout cookies and hostess cupcakes.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    p.s. if you are borderline diabetic you really need to cut that stuff out.
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    ok i guess today was a bad day to ask my fruit question.....I usually don't have cookies! And I think losing 16 1/2 pounds in a little less than a month is healthy style. But thanks for the input.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    ok i guess today was a bad day to ask my fruit question.....I usually don't have cookies! And I think losing 16 1/2 pounds in a little less than a month is healthy style. But thanks for the input.

    well actually losing over 4 pounds a week is quite a bit. be careful.
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    wow i need sleep, I meant in a lil less than two months I lost 16 1/2 pounds. geez i am a mess, thanks for the concern.:-)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    well good luck. FYI...I limit fresh fruit to two pieces a day at most. Fruit is good and all that but a lot of it doesnt give any extra benefits.
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    So do you have any suggestions for low sugar snacks?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    It's still sugar, eat vegetables.
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    even vegetables have sugar. I had a red pepper with my dinner for 7grams of sugar
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    So do you have any suggestions for low sugar snacks?

    my usual go to snacks are raw almonds or pepper jack cheese, Dont be afraid of the high fat in almonds. Its good fat.
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    thank you for the ideas:-)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    even vegetables have sugar. I had a red pepper with my dinner for 7grams of sugar

    Er, peppers would be a fruit?

    Meat, fish, nuts and vegetables are low in in sugar.
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    So do you have any suggestions for low sugar snacks?

    my usual go to snacks are raw almonds or pepper jack cheese, Dont be afraid of the high fat in almonds. Its good fat.

    Always keep a few 100 calorie snack bags handy, those almonds are heart healthy, come in several flavors and can kill the cravings.
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    I try to keep with lower sugar fruits like berries...still get the goodness without the high sugar. Also note the sugar content in items like nonfat milk...I used to do 2 or 3 skinny lattes a day. Those days are over. :drinker:
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Processed foods like cupcakes (example) are high in high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) also called corn sugar. This is a processed and refined sugar where they make various forms of sugar from a single corn husk. The problem with this HFCS (besides being in nearly everything) is that it is processed exclusively by the liver, causing fat to accumulate in your liver. While in english this might not seem bad, it is in that in abundance it causes your liver to work overdrive, causing unusual wear and tear on your organs, and leaning on things like kidneys. With diabetes this can lead to fatty liver disease, in time cirrhosis, and if left untreated (like not managing diabetes) liver failure.

    In addition to this, cupcakes are high in white flour, same story here, it is processed from original germ to create various by products of which one is white flour. While alone it's not scary in english, in abundance (as in western diets, pick up a label sometime) it can be for a few fold. One, it's devoid of nutrition. Period. This is a neutral nutrition food. Meaning it won't hurt you in moderation, but it's not providing you any benefits to your body in helping you eradicate free radicals in your body, which is the things that destroy your DNA in time and cause disease like cancer. So gives you something to think about when your buying this in every item you eat.

    As for white flour and your diabetes, the problem here is that white flour enters the blood stream quickly, giving you that instant energy but isn't sustained. It in time causes your body to become insulin resistant.. You HAVE to take insulin hormone because no longer your body recognizing it. Diabetes II is diet related exclusively. I don't care what your parents or neighbors church told you.

    As for fruit, this is a natural sugar. None of the negatives above apply to it. Your body tolerates it easily, and is full of nutrients that fight free radicals and provides your body with the perfect amino balance that no amount of science engineered food will ever provide. The only reason your concerned about it, is that you've been conditioned to watch the sugar, and not conditioned in real issue which is your choice of diet. Why sift the **** when it's at your porch, and not simply stop the crapping in your plot to begin? (This is where big pharmacy provides you a convenience, poop service)

    Eat as much fruit as your DAILY CARBS will allow. Don't even worry about the sugar in it. The benefits of the fruit FAR out weight the concern about its sugar content. If you keep it to what your carbs allow, you will never go over what's benefit to you.

    Stop eating **** like cupcakes. This snips the problem at its source.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    The way I see it, sugar is sugar, period. Have a little fruit, not too much, and don't eat any processed sugar. I've had to learn that the hard way. I eat 1/2 pc fruit a day with yogurt, and by the time I'm done with veggies for the day I've reached my limit. Sugar is sugar. It's not good for us in large amounts. In the old days (I mean caveman lol) people ate fruit once a year when it fell from the trees. Doing so caused them to store fat (!) and get them through the winter when food was scarce. Interesting concept.
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you everyone for your input and ideas. :-) It is all helpful!
  • RangerSteve
    The way I see it, sugar is sugar, period. Have a little fruit, not too much, and don't eat any processed sugar. I've had to learn that the hard way. I eat 1/2 pc fruit a day with yogurt, and by the time I'm done with veggies for the day I've reached my limit. Sugar is sugar. It's not good for us in large amounts. In the old days (I mean caveman lol) people ate fruit once a year when it fell from the trees. Doing so caused them to store fat (!) and get them through the winter when food was scarce. Interesting concept.

    This is completely untrue.
  • RangerSteve
    So I am having a situation lately. I am going over my sugar for the day and that is one thing I try to keep in control because this past year I have been told by my doctor that I am borderline diabetic. Does anyone know about sugar from fruit? Is that ok? Is it a different kind of sugar? That is where a lot of my sugar is coming from. HELP! Thanks. :-)

    What do you mean by borderline diabetic? What was your fasting glucose level? How often do you have it checked?

    The concept of sugar spiking your insulin is changed when that sugar is ingested with fiber, protein and fat. Mixing some fruit in with other foods will change the insulin response you get from it.

    As for hostess cupcakes....yeah, you should probably stay away from them.
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    So I am having a situation lately. I am going over my sugar for the day and that is one thing I try to keep in control because this past year I have been told by my doctor that I am borderline diabetic. Does anyone know about sugar from fruit? Is that ok? Is it a different kind of sugar? That is where a lot of my sugar is coming from. HELP! Thanks. :-)

    What do you mean by borderline diabetic? What was your fasting glucose level? How often do you have it checked?

    The concept of sugar spiking your insulin is changed when that sugar is ingested with fiber, protein and fat. Mixing some fruit in with other foods will change the insulin response you get from it.

    As for hostess cupcakes....yeah, you should probably stay away from them.

    hostess cupcakes i rarely have...I was dogsitting and they were in the house so I thought I would try them....didn't even like them. As for borderline diabetic, I don't know my fasting glucose level...I am not home but my dr. told me it is borderline and if I don't change my diet and lose weight I will eventually get diabetes. I go every three months to be checked and she told me to watch carbs and sugar. And before I get another girl scout cookie lecture, it is once a year and it is not like i am binging on them, it is one serving.