

  • Is Zumba for Wii close to the Zumba DVDs? I have those, and they're fun.. but I found I like the actual class better, it's just kinda intimidating to go when everyone else already knows the dances and you're just starting... debating on tomorrow AM! :noway: Also, redbox has zumba!?
  • Tami113
    Tami113 Posts: 117 Member
    zumba is amazing! i have a really bad knee and i can do the entire hour! it works you out good. keep with it, the classes are so much fun but on days you can't go zumba for wii is probably just as good.
  • koka824
    koka824 Posts: 5 Member
    I am addicted to Zumba. I go to class 5 days a week. I have the wii game as well but it's not the same for me. Class is so much fun! It's like a party. I follow the same instructor and she motivates me like no other. All instructors have different styles......I found the one for me and a couple others that follow. And don't worry about going to class for the first time and being the only one not knowing the moves......everyone has been there and has had a first day as well. Don't let that stop you though. I am a fairly shy person who does NOT like attention and now I am in the front row every class! I've stuck to it because I finally found something I love and am not watching the clock as I'm doing it. My stamina has improved a ton and according to my bodybugg I burn anywhere from 600-700 calories that hour. It's also great because you can modify it for yourself......if you can't jump, don't. If you can't spin, don't. As long as you're moving, having fun, burning calories....that's all that matters.
  • Very well done and keep up the good work! xx
  • Thanks lady!! :)
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    How do you log in Zumba in your diary?

    It's not in the exercise database - but there is a calculator here www.zumbacalories.com/

    THANKS! :-)
    PLEASE dont trust the numbers on this site -- get yourself a good HRM or take off about 200 cals from that site.

    I have been doing zumba 3-4 times for over a year at the gym (not at home) and wear my HRM every time. I work my *kitten* off and now only burn 350-500 calorie for an hour. It was more when I was newer and heavier -- but the fitter you get aerobically, the less you will burn unless you work harder and harder. That's why these estimater sites are not very good.