My BMI at height 5'7.

So, my BMI is exactly 20.0 according to an online calculator I have used. I'm 5'7 inches and generally a UK size 12 with a size 8 waist. According to my BMI vs height, I'm perfectly healthy, if not verging on being underweight - however if you saw me you'd really never believe that. (I have a saggy tummy & thighs that jiggle when I walk....) I weighed myself last night and was 9stone4lbs but my aim is to get to 8stone5lbs. When I first signed up for this website I was around 10stone2lbs.

I'm curious to see if there are any similar people out there that feel like their body doesn't portray the weight that they are and if there are any useful tips to maintain my weight once I've reached my goal. xo


  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    That just means you gotta add some more muscle in there Girly! :) Great job at having such a low BMI! Mine is... lemme think. almost 28? 27.27 it says. How much do you weigh?
  • The BMI is a totally ridiculous measurement and they should stop using it.
    At 5 feet 6, weighing at 160 pounds pure muscle, apparently i am over weight.

    anyway, tips to maintain your weight, it's dead simple

    1. figure out what your calorie maintenance is, you can use a calculator, which in my opinion is fairly inaccurate or to just experiment yourself
    2. drink plenty of water
    3. eat out less, and when you do eat out, ask for a menu that has the calorie information so that you can make an informative choice about what your eating
    4. treat yourself but don't over do it, eat what you love but in moderation, nobody is perfect and we all can't eat super strict 100% of the time, unless your a professional body builder
    5. Exercise on a daily basis
    6. Keep your food as fresh and as unprocessed as possible. Lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables
    7. soft drinks are the devil, especially energy drinks =P
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Hi, im also 5,7 and i had the same sort of thing when i reached goal weight, think my BMI is 23 ish now.

    I came to the conclusion that i was skinny fat and the weight loss was only half the story, so far its been 3-4 months of weight loss and the same again trying to build lean muscle to make skin tighter and get a better general body shape.
  • I know exactly what you are talking about. Currently I have a BMI of 22 but I used to be really small (BMI 18-18.5) and yet my thighs jiggled when I walked ... a lot! It is not only about the weight but about the percentage of body fat. I don't even know mine because I have a very simple scale but basically it depends on what your weight is made of. Muscles weigh more than fat, but they look so much better ;)
  • 210889
    210889 Posts: 21
    Oh thanks for all the information and tips guys, you're all more than helpful.
    To the person that asked, I currently weight 9 stone 4 pounds. xo
  • That's the same as me though Charleigh. I am 5'7 and my BMI is 20 but I dont look the weight it says I am.

    Try this BMI thing as it includes your gender & age. But I do think BMI calculators are a bit......
  • According to my BMI I am obese. I know that I am overweight, but obese? Never thought of myself that way.