Signed up for my first 5k!



  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    Good luck! I hope to do this someday also! Apparently the c25k works pretty good. I may have to try it
  • How awesome!! Good for you and good luck!

    I recently signed up for my first two 5k runs. I've walked 5ks and even a 10k before, but never run.

    The first one is on St. Patrick's Day and I'll be running it with some friends (all of us vary in running ability) and the second one is in May (it's the Color Run and it looks like so much fun! See if it's coming to your city: I've been using the C25k app. since late last year and will finish it only 3 days before my first race. (yikes!)

    Anyone have recommendations on running or not running the day before a race? Should that be a rest day or are there good "day before a race" workouts?
  • Barbara_56
    Barbara_56 Posts: 2 Member
    You are gonna do great!!! Alot of folks have given what seems to be great advice - maybe one of these days your dad and I will run a race with you!!!!

    You are such an inspiration to me!! Mama
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I did C25K a couple of years ago and then did my first 5K a few weeks later. One tip I wish I had been given is to run a couple of times at the same time of day as the race. I typically did C25K in the evenings, but the race started at 6:30 a.m. I felt sooooo out of my element. I ate a light breakfast beforehand, but twice I thought I was going to upchuck. I just don't think my body was used to doing so much physical exercise that early. If I had thought about it, I would have taken a couple of Saturdays and gotten up early to run to see how I felt and if I needed to change anything (eat more, drink more water, etc).

    I hope you enjoy your race and are proud of yourself for accomplishing it. Get the T-shirt!!

    Definitely this!!! I typically was doing my C25K training mid day, about 2-3 hours after breakfast, but before lunch. My first 5K was an evening run. The advice I got was to try and do a few runs around the same time as the 5K. Definitely very helpful so you know what to expect. For the two other runs I've done (a 5K and a 5 mile run), they were both in the AM. I found eating a light breakfast (1/2 bowl of oatmeal or a banana) when I first woke up (about 2 hours before race start time), gave me the energy I needed to run... without making me feel like getting sick on the course.

    You will do great in your run. The excitement of the day and the anticipation will propel you thru to the finish. It really is a great time.
  • RisyaLifsheTova
    RisyaLifsheTova Posts: 305 Member
    What matters is that your doing it! The first one dont end up injurying yourself. Push yourself as much as you can to the finish line. That alone will be an accomplishment. Then the next 5k try and beat that time :)

    My first 5k I finished in 39 minutes on an injured ankle
    I did a 5M and finished in 59.55! didnt stop or walk once, just jogged my brains out!!!
    I was very excited about this accomplishment

    Im doing another 5k next month with my cousin and uncle. This one I will try and go as fast as I can to get a much better time sicne I wont have an injured ankle this time :)

    5k is a breeze! after youve done it. I remember thinking WOW We're almost done! And BOOM! There was the finish line!