Eugh, how to get rid of the dreaded muffin top?



  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    I like flowing tops. My second pregnancy left me with a lot of weight in the belly, but nowhere else. And I don't like highwaisted jeans, I love my low rise skinny jeans. So I just wear tops that are flowing at the bottom rather than hugging my belly and it disguises that I have a muffin top! Problem solved while I workout and eat clean to get rid of it for good.
  • Happyhooper41
    Happyhooper41 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there I can throughly recommend Hula-hooping, it great fun and does wonders for your waist,core strength. I am so glad I found Hula-hooping its great to find an exercise that makes you happy and a great way to meet new people..I am very lucky as in Brighton UK we have an amazing hoop community.
  • flsl
    flsl Posts: 75 Member
    Am doing a few variations of sit-ups to tone up that area. It doesnt really make you lose inches, (as people have pointed out) but feels nicer to touch!

    A friend claims she toned up that area with 100 sit ups every day. I started with 20 sit ups with one repeat, twice a week. Some variety is healthier though.

    Be careful with exercise. Think its good to get advice from Gym or something.Push beyond your limit, but not so that you injure yourself.

    Ps Hipster pants are an enemy of women! They encourage us to aim for teenage-boy bodies.
  • AvonLucyR
    AvonLucyR Posts: 124 Member
    I have to agree with tailoring your's all in the fit! Also, these days, with all the undergarments they've come out with, there is really no reason to ever have a bulge or a line (unless it's a baby bulge). Keep losing weight, exercising, and in the meantime, make what you have look it's best. :)
  • Nothing wrong with buying high-waist jeans that are a better fit. They're actually quite trendy now...just wear them with a flowy type blouse and you're good to go. I carry most of my weight in my stomach region so I know where you're coming from. Just wear more accommodating clothes while you eat healthy and exercise and eventually it will go away.
  • misslissa121
    It isn't always bigger pants, for those of you saying that. My pants are literally falling off of me, but I have a muffin top. I have excess flab over my belly button, the distance between my hip and my waste is so low anyway Low-Rise pants go over my belly button. For many women it is genetic to carry your weight in the front, some say low carbs and no gluten, some say cut out sugar. I have seen omega-3 fatty acid/fish oil, MUFA(?) diet which has a lot of nuts, avacado, greek yogurt. In the end it is going to come down to just slowly losing weight till it finally has to come off there, and for many of us it ultimately will come down to dealing with flabby skin left there or getting a tummy tuck to finally getting rid of it. Just keep working, some abs under the flab does help tighten it up a bit, but it isn't really a cure.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    If spot reduction was possible, I'd have a chiseled jawline from years of chewing gum.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    It's not as simple as buying bigger jeans. My legs seem to be a size smaller then my waist so if I were to buy a bigger size I would be swimming in them. The amount of work that would go into tailoring that would probably cost as much as the jeans themselves. Gap jeans seem to work well for me but it really is a constant problem when I shop.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    or buy bigger jeans? ;-)

    For those who have had a baby and have that muffin top regardless of tight jeans!?!?!?!?! NO....we have to buy granny jeans that go up to our belly buttons!

    lmao I'm with you!!

    I have a pair of bigger jeans.. and they're falling off me, but then next size down can cause a muffin top - espec at certain times of the month..

    I'm going with the old way of 'less in, more out' and exercise. :smile: