10 Reasons why you should not have a cheat day... hmmm



  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    Telling other people what they should and should not eat is really annoying.

    I think that's what bothers me about this - it's a finger wagging Aunt Polly style list of rules. F*** that.

    Some peeps need to the cut the junk out altogether, but it seems like most don't need to.
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    I love when something works for a person, then they think it should work for everyone and take that as the bible.....Great cheat days don't work for you, they work for thousands of others so where's the problem with them:noway: .
  • Exna
    Exna Posts: 96 Member
    Agree to disagree ...

    I won't feel guilty of 1 cheat day ...

    But, when this becomes your lifestyle you will notice your body will start craving the healthy food and you will see that junk food not anymore a necessity in your life.... it is just food that you enojoy once in a while and it's not a big deal! ...
    talking just about what I have found out and just sharing my thoughts :)
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Maybe it's just me, but this post seems to lean heavily toward a cheat day being made up of "junk food." I have a cheat day, or "spike day" every 10-14 days or even longer. I don't spend it on junk food, and my spike day does not increase my cravings, it doesn't cause me to lose control, I don't feel guilty, and I've also discovered that when a spike day comes up, I end up eating fewer calories than I had anticipated. What works for some of us doesn't always work for others.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    to OP: Just out of curiosity, what's the source of the article?
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I cheated on mostly healthy food yesterday. Just didn't watch my portions other than measuring the salad dressing.

    As for junk food, I save it for when friends or family have some in my presence which is not often. Being strict about having absolutely no junk food just led me to bingeing for a very long time.
  • flsl
    flsl Posts: 75 Member
    I would agree that junk food and sweet stuff can be addictive, though maybe not for everyone. Like there are alchoholics, binge drinkers, occasional drinkers, and those who never drink alchohol at all. Food can be similar, varies person to person.

    I find chocolate for me is very very addictive. If I have any at all I want more. For Valentines day I endulged, so maybe a cheat day once in a while (ie looking forward to easter) is ok.

    Junk food like supermarket pizza, or McDonalds or anything like that has no appeal for me. Tastes like cardboard and makes my body feel horrible. This may be an age thing :smile:

    Find 'colourful' food like multiple veggies, pulses nuts etc much more appetising. The more I find out about good food, which is often nutritious, the more I want to know. Its down to good recipes I think.
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    too late...(as I'm eating Chipotle this very minute)
  • Cocobonvon
    thank your for this post :)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    1. Feeding the Junk Food Addiction - Not everyone is a junk food addict. This is a reason JUNK FOOD ADDICTS should not have a cheat day. "You" is pretty general.
    2. Doesn’t help reduce cravings - Yes it does. I've been spiking every week for over a year. Anything I crave during the week gets worked out on Spike Day & I'm more than ready to get back to another 6 days of healthy eating.
    3. Eating way too much - This is most likely to be an issue for people with eating disorders...& the vast majority of people trying to lose weight don't.
    4. Guilt afterwards - There's no guilt if it's planned & done responsibly. If I've managed my intake the entire week & allowed myself 4000 calories for Saturday & can still end up with enough of a weekly deficit to lose weight, what's to feel guilty about?
    5. Doesn’t raise your metabolism - Read up on leptin.
    Also, do you think that when scientists are doing research studies on diet plans, that they allow people to cheat once per week? Of course not! - Yes they are. Read up on leptin.
    6. Junk food is unhealthy - Lots of things are unhealthy. There's nothing wrong with enjoying food that isn't "clean" in moderation because you like it. And yes, a gigantic portion (if you like) once a week is moderation.
    7. Some things take a while to leave your system - What does this have to do with a cheat day? People can eat crap on a regular day & still be in a calorie deficit.
    8. Taste sensation doesn’t manage to adapt - I still enjoy the taste of healthy, clean foods. As well as junky processed ones, once in a while.
    9. Body doesn’t manage to adapt to the new fuel - Read up on leptin...& glycogen storage.
    10. Knowing that cheating is not an option makes things easier - The opposite is true. Knowing I only have to wait 6 days at the most to eat something decadent makes it easier to resist it during the week.
    After all, what we should be after is not try to go on a “diet”, but to actually make a lifestyle change in order to live a healthier, happier life.
    Real life is not "dieting" 100% of the time. My lifestyle is eating healthy & exercising 6 days a week, & allowing myself to let loose & have fun (which includes eating crap food sometimes) on the 7th day. It's realistic, flexible, & it works for me.
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    I always have a cheat day, but stay under my calorie limits. My cheat days usually consist of Starbuck or ice cream and I don't work out. For me, that's enough!

    How's that really a cheat day? other than moving from healthy to not quite so healthy, but still within your limits?
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    In short, it's a behavioral issue. If it works for you, great. For some, using them works better.

    This is it in black-and-white. Changing eating and fitness habits is about behavioral modification and simple declarations of any kind about changing behavior are rarely universally accurate or binding.
  • pslwalker
    If I want to have something "not healthy" I'm going to. It's my choice. If I find that it hurts me, I'll back off. If I'm fine with my serving of potato chips (this morning) then so be it. I record everything I eat. Deprivation is far worse than an occasional slip up. But that's me, everyone is different.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    The reason MFP has worked for me is because I can eat what I want so long as I stay within the limits and the occaisonal cheat day is allowed and even encouraged.

    If the plan instead was "Salads and clean eating for life! You can't ever have anything unhealthy!" I would not have succeeded. Hell I wouldn't have even tried.

    Plus anyone who's been on a diet for a few weeks and says "I'm never putting that garbage in my body again for the rest of my life!!" is usually the person eating fast food in their car 3 weeks later.

    You gotta live. Moderation. It really does work!
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    I have a confession and I don't necessarily feel guilty:

    My 3 kids (6, 6, & 8) birthday party is Saturday evening at a pizza place. I plan to eat pizza and have cake. I may not binge on the pizza like I once would have, but I will eat as much as I want of it.

    I also have a church luncheon Sunday. Let me just say, most Southern Baptist church ladies don't bring diet food. I will be eating there as well.

    That said, I will be trying to add in some extra work out time this weekend, but if I don't manage it, the world will not end.

  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    This is a really long article, so I'm going to get a piece of cake out of the fridge to eat while I read it.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Just this title makes me want to scream!!!!!!!!

  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    This is a really long article, so I'm going to get a piece of cake out of the fridge to eat while I read it.

    Yep, way too long. I will read it as I eat my shrimp quesadillas......maybe....I'll think about it.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I only need one reason to have a cheat day. It works.

    Yep, that'll do.