Fitness stalling due to back injury- help!

I've been doing so well on mfp, 13lbs lost in 5 weeks, starting to look and feel so much better when Wham! I slipped a disc in my lower spine for the second time in 2 yrs. This time it's been dreadful and it's left me more or less housebound for the last 3 wks, while I wait to see a physio & specialist to see what can be done. Exercise is totally out of the question as I can hardly move, but at least I haven't gained any of the weight back- I've been eating sensibly on the whole.
It's just so frustrating! I want to get on with my life and get shot of the last 20 odd lbs before the Spring. Am also lying in bed dreaming of chocolate... Danger!!
Anyone been in a similar situation and can offer advice? I'd really appreciate it.


  • Wisemomoffour
    Wisemomoffour Posts: 125 Member
    I haven't and can't even imagine! That has to be so difficult! But wanted you to know that I'm sending good thoughts that you'll heal quickly. Good luck!
  • ExtraT
    ExtraT Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you- that's really kind of you!
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    When I pulled a muscle in my back (probably no where near as bad as the pain you have) I was very frustrated. Remember that resting and repairing is doing you good, I know that it is hard to stick to a diet when you are not active but keep it up you are doing well. Also when you can exercise again start gently and whatever you do do not go hard trying to play catchup with your exercise.

    If it is upper back you could maybe do some Pilates style exercises for your legs whilst lying flat on your back either on your bed, sofa or floor. It is not a great calorie burner but it is something. If it is lower back there is less you can do but maybe a few arm curls if you can find a comfy position. Without knowing you or having a medical degree I would suggest that you ask your doctor if either of those suggestions are suitable for you before you do them.
  • ShowKitten
    ShowKitten Posts: 434 Member
    I'm was in the same boat as you with my back, seriously hurt it again in Jan and only now starting to recover. Some days it feels great, but the slightest awkward bend can leave me in agony.

    I've been focusing on diet - I've lost 12lbs in Jan/Feb by just focusing on diet (I only really officially weigh myself once a month). It was a lot easier when I was house bound for my diet as I couldn't go out for dinner with friends!!

    Now that I'm improving I'm going to start some Pilates to try and improve the strength in my lower back. You should probably just focus on diet right now and then ease back in once you start to improve.

    I know how frustrating it can be!
  • ExtraT
    ExtraT Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the support, I've really needed it today trying to do a big work project with my laptop balanced on my chest! At least I can't hobble to the biscuit tin...! I'm going to look into core strength stuff when I recover enough, I hear Pilates is great for that and am looking into the Alexander Technique as I hear good things about it. Thanks again!