10 Reasons why you should not have a cheat day... hmmm



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Have fun with your fear of food. I'll continue having a once a week splurge. And by the way, that doesn't necessarily mean "junk food". It's just a day off of logging and calorie counting.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I go all out every single Sunday, have lost 75 lbs so far, and continue to lose .5 lbs a week. I will not stop a cheat day because it works for me.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    At best this mostly just personal preference, which is fine, but it's no reason why *I* shouldn't have a cheat day. And really it depends on what we consider cheating. Some people might consider a junk food binge cheating. For me, a binge isn't so much of a cheat day as it is falling off the wagon.

    If your perspective works for you then great, but it's definitely not something I'd generalize about.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    <--- Been "cheating" (not necessarily binging, but not logging and not caring about calories) every weekend since June.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I don't believe cheat days hurt overall weight loss but I suppose it all depends on the person. I have co-workers that are the "all or nothing" type of personalities. When they "diet" I dislike the word but it works for them cause they don't understand the healthy life style concept, so for them they avoid "all" foods that are bad for them. Once they have a taste of something bad then they are done, its all bad food all the time, so the healthy is out the door.

    If not cheating works for you, then stick to it. I for one would rather enjoy some creamy alfredo chicken pasta once in a while or a beer or two. All in moderation.
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Well... my 'diet' is entirely about losing weight. My exercising is.

    I eat what I want, in moderation. I have to retrain my brain (and stomach!) to what a real portion is. Therefore, I don't deny myself anything. If I want pizza, I have pizza - but I make it in such a way that I'll stay within or close to my calorie limit for the day.

    One day a week (usually Friday) I don't care about calories. I need to make sure I'm still making healthy choices. I might eat a little more, but I'm still eating in moderation. I'm not going crazy and eating a large pizza by myself, know what I mean? I'm not going to gorge myself and eat 5000 calories for the day (I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to move I'd be so stuffed, lol), but if I happen to hit 2000? Whoop-de-doo.

    Maybe that's not considered a cheat day. I don't really believe in 'cheat' days I suppose. I'm making a conscious effort to change my thoughts and feelings toward food.

    And, I'll tell you now... I have to make a cake this weekend. I guarantee I will lick the spoon :) and that's OK!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I personally find value in the cheat day. I think the psychological aspect of having something to look forward to makes a more restrictive diet easier to deal with. Most of what the OP says is pretty much personal preference and not backed by any science.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
    I am sure all of as have tried to loose weight by denying ourselves our favorite foods and failed miserably. I know I have. There is no way I could go the rest of my life without eating chocolate, pizza, burgers, french fries, onion rings, hot wings or any of the many other foods I love. This is about a lifestyle change. You can still eat the things you love sometimes it is just very bad when you do it on a daily basis. For example I crave chocolate when Aunt flo decides to come visit and today she did, and I ate a hershey's bar. I do not feel bad about it at all.
  • I was sooo stuck and the same weight for weeks, and finally broke it with some high calorie, or spike, days. Also, a cheat or spike day doen't have to be junk food. It just has to be a day where u eat signifigantly higher calories. Most junkfood personaly makes me feel crappy, so on spike days I still eat healthy, but eat moe, and choose more calorie dense foods. Also, my workout performance is always BOMB the next day!
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    I completely agree with DL. I will say that a cheat day isn't for everyone, but I find that it helps with my cravings, keeps be from being too obsessive and just all around makes me feel like I am still living my life and not constantly on a diet :).
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Farrell's Extreme Body Make over would disagree you. Their program requires you to have a Free Day once a week where you get to eat as much of or what you want. The plan is working for me.

    No I don't go wild on candy or treats and try to stay in the clean foods but I don't worry about my calories at all. I enjoy that day.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    I 100% agree... I don't believe in cheat days/meals... because I did nothing wrong.

    I believe in taking a relax day where at the end of the week, I eat what I want, I take the day off from running, I just unwind with my family and enjoy a good meal of what ever I feel like at the time.

    it's personal for everyone, if you can't eb and flow with it, then by all means, don't have your "cheat day"

    do what works for you.
  • i love cheat days! i always look forward to it... and that's the WEEKEND for me... so as my workout day w/c is WEEKDAYS.. so having 5 outnumbered 2 would not feel guilty at all... and I take my calorie under 1200cal so i can have my cheat day. yey!
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    <--- Been "cheating" (not necessarily binging, but not logging and not caring about calories) every weekend since June.

    Congratulations, job well done. Thumbs Up
  • I have always had a cheat day (really it's 1.5 days). For me it REALLY does help the craving and my tastes have really changed. Yes i still love marshmallow fluff, but i also sub new, healthier. sticky sweets that i love (black strap molasses...yummmmmmm). And, things like Twinkies and 7 layer make me feel gross. My full cheat day rarely exceeds 2500 calories and run 10K that day to offset.

    It's important to do what works for you, for me i need this day to replace my glycogen stores and to reduce sugar craving during the week. I'm pretty sure that everyone is a little different and there is no perfect way to eat. It's just a matter of individual balance.
  • I guess I "cheat" everyday. I eat whatever I want. Its all about eating things in moderation. And newsflash: I have never gone over my calorie goals. Ever. I periodically go a little over in my carbs or sodium, but that doesnt happen very often. And I've lost 16 pounds in just under two months. So while I believe that you can have your own opinion, I personally think you're wrong. Maybe its right for you, but we arent all like you. Just sayin'.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    I don't think it would be physically possible for me to eat 5000 calories in 1 meal, cheat day or not. That's like 2 entire large cheese pizzas. For just one meal. Even back when I ate like crap I couldn't eat that much!

    When I have a cheat day I'm usually 400-500 consumed calories higher than a normal day, and I usually put in more time at the gym to balance it, so my net isn't that much higher at all.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I have been maintaining for 10 years, I used to have a cheat day and eat whatever I wanted all day long. I would then be completly misrable by the end of the day. I quite doing that a few years ago and I now have a cheat meal every week. On Friday nights I eat whatever I want, hamburger, nachos, etc and I have desert. I don't feel guilty, I work my *kitten* off the rest of the week and eat healthy all the rest of the week. My cholesterol is awesome as is my Triglycerides (28).

    THIS works for me!