Seriously discouraged

I've gained two pounds each week for the past three weeks, despite continuing on the same path that's yielded terrific results for the previous six months. Trying to pinpoint all the possible reasons.

1) I could be tiring of the routine, and maybe cheating in little ways. Will try to cut out even the little cheats, and maybe vary the diet and workout routine to "trick" my body. Does that make any sense?

2) Have been doing a little more strength training, but that muscle-weighs-more-than-fat argument only goes so far -- I think? Couldn't account for more than 2-3 pounds over the course of a month?

3) Have been consuming a little more milk.

Any other ideas? Thanks. I guess I should be grateful it's my first hitch. But I always thought my plateau would mean staying even.


  • Jamie65toloose
    Jamie65toloose Posts: 152 Member
    Dont get discouraged. I would try to just mix things up a little bit. Eat about 100 calories more a day for about a week. Do a different workout for that same week as well. What workouts are you currently doing?
  • amyloooo
    amyloooo Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks, jtorg. Sounds like good advice. I walk about 70-80 minutes a day, but may need to step up the intensity. Also do lower body (abs and legs) with no weights, and upper body with light hand weights -- each type on alternating days.
  • You may want to try jogging or riding a bike, definitely change up your routine. are you eating lots of fresh vegetables and fruit?
  • Check out my post about the reason you fail at losing weight (under General Weight Loss tips or whatever it is). In it, I talk about how losing weight isn't what's necessary, but getting physically fit is the accomplishment you really need. Losing weight will come naturally.

    You've got the community behind you, though, and we will all win, one day. :)
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    you should make your diary public so we can see what you are eating. It would make it easier to give advice
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    How do your clothes feel? are they getting looser? Not all the time are we going to lose weight, even though we are burning fat and gaining muscle.
  • preachingirl
    preachingirl Posts: 12 Member
    you are not allowed to get discouraged!! :D You have done an awesome job!!!! I was doing teh same workout for several years but not losing a pound. You probably aleady know wht's up, so what is going to be your new goal? New dress, bathing suit? Tell us all how you managed to do so well already please..
  • Dont get discouraged. I would try to just mix things up a little bit. Eat about 100 calories more a day for about a week. Do a different workout for that same week as well. What workouts are you currently doing?

    Do this! You've lost a lot of weight already so it could be that you aren't eating enough.
  • Are you eating and drinking enough? If your calories are too low you will go into starvation mode, and if you arent drinking enough your body will hold onto water weight. I know you may have ruled these out already but thought it was worth repeating as that is what tends to make me hold on..
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    Have you ever done re-feeding? I think at this point if i was in this place i would still do the workouts, but i would add more calories for one week. Not saying go crazy eating anything you want, but maybe add in a few more fatty foods (things you love as treats) and go for about 2,000 calories then after a week cut back down to whatever you have been doing. Sometimes it tricks your body like you're starting all over. I do it ever friday/saturday night and still lose 2 pounds per week. I really don't think the milk matters, btw. ;)
  • berniefri
    berniefri Posts: 2 Member have done great and I only hope for results similar to yours as time progresses. I think you have it right, and that your body needs a bit of a break.
    Change it up, workout and what you are eating. You may need to feed your metabolism too. I used to think that was crazy, but it seemed a beneficial thing to do. The trick is not to be so good to yourself that you can't return to your new lifestyle.
    Remember that plateau thing, and the exercise, and maybe you do need to go back to weighing and measuring. Maybe the new weight you have reached needs fewer calories.
    Hang in there, and keep up the great work. I can only aspire to your results so far.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's anyone's guess. Let's see that diary.
  • npeters519
    npeters519 Posts: 87 Member
    Don't get too "comfy" make sure you measure and weigh everything you eat so you know your portions are spot-on. I know when I'm getting comfortable in my routine I start to eyeball things and that usually adds up against me.
  • twilightobession
    twilightobession Posts: 101 Member
    I can understand your pain. I am discouraged too. Today and yesterday have been awful. Real life has been so busy that I do not know if I am coming or going. I have not any been able to complete my food dairy for yesterday. So busy yesterday...we had pizza for supper. I know it was bad and what makes is even worse is we did not eat till after 8:30. I did not get my water in yesterday and today is not looking real good either. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BUT........WE WILL DO BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Real life is going to happen every day and we just need to work through it.

    I think you need to change things up abit. Do different exercises and change up your diet some. What about your water intake????

    Good luck!!!!!!!
  • amyloooo
    amyloooo Posts: 28 Member
    Really appreciate all the encouragement, everyone. It helps, and I'll try some of these suggestions. Shoot -- I'll try them all (except the contradictory ones (eat more, eat less). Will also figure out how to make my diary public. Thanks again.
  • You need muscle confusion. Get a trainer, change up your routine. Change the calories consumed in myfitnesspal, drop it by at least 100 pounds. Also when you exercise, change the calories burned to 0. Dont let myfitnesspal add those calories to your total so you eat those calories as well. Put your scale in your basement and dont stand on it for 1 MONTH. It is de-motivating.
  • I'm seriously discouraged as well. Have not logged in for MONTHS, but have been working out, but obviously not watching my diet. Gave up wine for Lent, hope this helps, trying to keep my caloric intake at about 1500 per day. Doing "burst training" and a new weight training routine. Lifting more/heavier wts than ever before. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. Also, try to drink lots of water...
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Your diary isn't open so I can't see what/when you're eating. I've been told on more than one occaission and although I fight it, it has worked every time...Eat more and exercise less. Sometimes you just have too. Now that doesn't means eat an entire pizza but add a 100 or so healthy calories to your normal eating plan and cut back on your exercise 10-20% (time or number of days depending on what you're doing). Drives me crazy but it works.
  • tstorr
    tstorr Posts: 56 Member
    I was on LA Weightloss Diet 6 years ago and was losing and had a plateau and I added a serving of protien a day and I started to lose again. They told me because I worked out that I needed extra protein. I havent seen your diary so I dont know how much protein you get but it was an easy fix for me. And I like to eat meat.
  • amyloooo
    amyloooo Posts: 28 Member
    OK. I've made my diary public. Do most of you choose that setting -- or set to friends only?