you can tell a lot about a guy by ....



  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    you can tell a lot about a guy by how quickly the stupid pours out of his mouth.

    not too quickly = likely a keeper.

    lol i knew it was some how going to become a dude bashin be honest whats the point of being stuck up and uptight about everything??? so what if a dude looks stupid, but enjoys what hes doing? Whos happier at the end, the guy doing what he loves to do(whether or not its stupid) or the guy whos is uptight about everything(even though he doesn't like it) just to make some significant other happy?

    Im sure I will get some bashin on this thread too, but hey, haters hate, while i do whatever it is that makes me happy! have a great day!

    "Haters wanna hate.... Lovers wanna love..... I dont even want.... none of the above......."
  • ... his garage?
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
  • russeljames
    russeljames Posts: 103 Member
    Vans and nike SB's are in my closet along with some sick nike lunar glides...whaaattttt
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    I think you can tell the most about a guy, but what kind of shape his shoes are in :)
  • Reef Sandals
    Nike running shoes

    I am actually the runt of my immediate family, I wear 14.5 EEEE/15EE depending on the brand.
  • zipperhead76
    zipperhead76 Posts: 60 Member

    These, various pairs of Vibram Five fingers, and occasionally my Cowboy boots :)
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    An old pair of sneakers most of the time.
  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    Whichever ones my wife wants me to.
  • i love my guy best when he is in his dirty scruffed up work boots..........and his torn up jeans!!
  • you can tell a lot about a guy by how quickly the stupid pours out of his mouth.

    not too quickly = likely a keeper.

    lol i knew it was some how going to become a dude bashin be honest whats the point of being stuck up and uptight about everything??? so what if a dude looks stupid, but enjoys what hes doing? Whos happier at the end, the guy doing what he loves to do(whether or not its stupid) or the guy whos is uptight about everything(even though he doesn't like it) just to make some significant other happy?

    Im sure I will get some bashin on this thread too, but hey, haters hate, while i do whatever it is that makes me happy! have a great day!

    "Haters wanna hate.... Lovers wanna love..... I dont even want.... none of the above......."

    nice quote...make that up yourself?
  • winonajosephine
    winonajosephine Posts: 122 Member
    Work - allenedmonds_shoes_lombard_brown-walnut_l.jpg
    Play - belt.jpg

  • My favorite shoes are a pair of North Face trail running shoes.
  • New Balance and Reeboks are my faves
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I have probably about a dozen pairs of shoes in several styles.... Converse, Adidas, Asics, leather boots, and dress shoes.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    i wear these when going out. pretty comfy, and i get to show off the size of my



    Hear that? That was the sound of my panties hitting the floor.
  • thenewmb
    thenewmb Posts: 34 Member
    normally timbs or steve maddens depending on the weather
  • thenewmb
    thenewmb Posts: 34 Member
    Nothing fancy. But they're size 13. So I don't have to.
    14EE here I win ;)

    Size 15 for me = checkmate
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    before I even read "his shoes", that's exactly what I was thinking :wink: