What do you miss?

I don't do perfect on my diet but there are some things that I've cut out completely. The one food I miss is my Hagen Daz rocky road ice cream!
I use to be able to down a pint with no problem...and that's why I'm here...


  • jessicaaa456
    jessicaaa456 Posts: 70 Member
    cupcakes! all cakes! cookies! muffins! chocolate! brownies!

    basically all stuff from the bakery. sugar and fat. yum
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Pizza. I don't have a problem with getting a slice of pizza if I'm out but I absolutely cannot order in a pizza because I will eat the whole thing. I love it so much I would never stop at 2 slices so I just don't order in.
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    Rocky road ice-cream is my favorite! Nom nom nom nom. Yes I miss it too.