please review me



  • inetgirl
    inetgirl Posts: 174 Member
    Eat more
    Real Food and less crap

    Eat less crap:
    C - carbonated drinks
    R- refined sugars
    A - artificial sweeteners & colors
    P - processed foods

    Eat more food:
    F - fruits & veggies
    O - organic lean protein (organic is not important)
    O - omega 3 fatty acids
    D - drink water

    I have never seen this and it is so cute and so true written out that way. Makes me want to make a big poster for my kitchen!

    me too!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Eat more
    Real Food and less crap

    Eat less crap:
    C - carbonated drinks
    R- refined sugars
    A - artificial sweeteners & colors
    P - processed foods

    Eat more food:
    F - fruits & veggies
    O - organic lean protein (organic is not important)
    O - omega 3 fatty acids
    D - drink water

    I have never seen this and it is so cute and so true written out that way. Makes me want to make a big poster for my kitchen!

    me too!

  • truecountrygirl
    truecountrygirl Posts: 100 Member
    watch the sodium way over. stay away from the chinese food unless it is a spurge day. try to eat more fruits and veggies. watch your carbs too.
  • heatherhart
    heatherhart Posts: 113 Member
    The coffee creamer and salad dressing...if you don't want to substitute it then just use less
  • rebecca_chess
    rebecca_chess Posts: 101 Member
    Looks like you are eating a lot of "crap" food. Advice about the coffee creamer......2 tablespoons of Land O Lakes Fat Free Half and Half are 20 calories.....and it's good!
  • jonesdav254
    jonesdav254 Posts: 99 Member
    I think of my calories as money and I don't want to spend my calories on frivolous things all the time. A splurge now and then if it fits in is one thing but a daily thing is excessive.

    Or you need to seriously up your exercise to EARN those items.

    I like the metaphor you posed...don't WASTE money (calories)...and if you see you are getting close....EARN extra money (calories) so you have the right to spend them
  • rebecca_chess
    rebecca_chess Posts: 101 Member
    Eat less crap:
    C - carbonated drinks
    R- refined sugars
    A - artificial sweeteners & colors
    P - processed foods

    Eat more food:
    F - fruits & veggies
    O - organic lean protein (organic is not important)
    O - omega 3 fatty acids
    D - drink water

    Someone PLEASE make me a refrigerator magnet of this!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
  • dolphin9803
    I tend to agree with everyone else. From what I can see your exercise log doesn't meet up with what you should be burning either.
    What they said.

    I will never be able to ditch my creamer. I use the Sugar Free Hazelnut and it's only 15 cals per tablespoon. I use a total of 5 a day which is only 75 total cals. I also use the Newman's own dressing for 45-75 cals per 2 tablespoons. Depending on the flavor you pick.

    Feel free to look at my diary. I do my best to avoid processed foods, but there are days that I allow a treat. I'm never hungry and do not feel deprived. Find small ways to cut things out slowly so you don't feel deprived. Change the creamer and dressing 1 week and something else the next. Avoid McDonalds when ever possible.

    Planning your meals a day ahead of time makes sure that you are prepared and not thinking about what to eat on the fly.

    Good luck!
  • alikat789
    alikat789 Posts: 105 Member
    After supper i crave chocolate, so i have a lindt excellent with chili in the freezer and break off a square or two (if i need it and have extra calories left) - each square is 50 calories this stops the chocolate craving and having it frozen it takes a little bit longer to eat :laugh: well a tiny bit longer to eat.
  • michellereneejenkins
    looks to me like your taste buds need a reprogramming. spend about a week eating only fruits, veges, lean meats, and whole grains (processed as little as possible, think, brown rice). stock up on these things and show your taste buds what healthy food is. at the end of the week, you will feel amazing. and use that week to plan some healthy dinners for your family. think of easy things to cook. dieting doesn't have to taste bad, but does take some planning. get rid of all the CRAP in your house and don't buy any more!!! it's not a vain pursuit. it's for your health and for the health of your family!
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Sorry, if someone already asked this, but a lot of people are giving you advice without asking you what you want?

    You indicated that you're having trouble staying under your calories. Do feel satisfied? Are you hungry all the time? Have tried eating smaller or larger meals at different times of day to see how your body feels, etc?
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
  • jeccalou
    jeccalou Posts: 92 Member
    . Eat more
    Real Food and less crap

    Eat less crap:
    C - carbonated drinks
    R- refined sugars
    A - artificial sweeteners & colors
    P - processed foods

    Eat more food:
    F - fruits & veggies
    O - organic lean protein (organic is not important)
    O - omega 3 fatty acids
    D - drink water

    Love this!
  • JustLena75
    Suggestion: Make your own coffee creamer, using skim milk, FF sweetened condensed milk.

    14oz milk
    1 14oz can of SC milk
    I also add a splash of half & half to this mix
    Add flavoring if you like. To mine I add 1tsp of vanilla and 1 tsp caramel syrup.
    Lower cals and better for you than the store bought crap. Now that I make this, the store bought stuff is not so kind to my GI tract.
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    Holy Calories Batman!!! Your lunch is 1000 calories.

    Your wasting your precious calories in junk. Think about it this way, when your condiments add up to more than the meal, there's a problem.

    I think you spent 350 calories in dressing and the salad was 70 calories. If you can't eat salad without the creamy delicious dressing, then don't eat them. I hate salads for that reason and I seldomly eat them.
  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    I am a pretty big coffee drinker myself. I would suggest that you use fat free half and half instead of the heavy and flavored creamers. If you need/want flavors, I would buy flavored coffee instead. Also stay away from fast food! Chinese and McDonalds are not good for you at all!

    I would also suggest that you befriend some people on here! I have found that by making friends on here it has made me more accountable on what I am putting in my mouth! Every day when I close my day my MFP friends see it and comment both good and bad...but it keeps my butt in check on a daily basis. (and even the "bad" is just a reminder that we are human and slip up from time to fime - they offer honesty and motivation) In my opinion...the support system in the friends you make here makes a HUGE difference!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    10 crab rangoon pretty much answers your question. You need to completely shift your way of thinking with food in my opinion. It's not fun and it takes time but when you're in the right mindset you'll have 2 crab rangoon instead of 10.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    You are blowing your calories on empty foods: Crunchy peanut bar, coffee creamer, dressing, french fries, syrup, chocolate chip cookies, pizza, bread sticks, and cake.
    You need to look at whole foods not these packaged waste of calories. The 300 calories you ate in cookies you could have had a well balanced meal of chicken and veggies.
    Try checking out the recipe section of the message boards people post a lot of healthy quick recipes.

  • ffsm8
    ffsm8 Posts: 4
    "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

    It's a long but worthwhile read, though summed up pretty nicely in that quote.