Question for women who have had babies!

I have been working out 5 days a week on average for at least 30 minutes a day (Jillian Michael's dvds mostly!) for 5 months now AND watching what I eat, eating around 1200 calories each day (net 500 ish) and really trying hard and have been at a plateau for almost 5 weeks now. Probably am gaining muscle and also losing inches I know. But the HARDEST part of me to change has been my stomach. Even though I work specifically on my abs AND do cardio (and some strength training although that's not my focus) I still have a flabby tummy. Had a baby 18 months ago and I gained a LOT of weight (I wasn't huge to begin with, maybe 135 lbs). I have heard that once you have a baby, you pretty much never go back. But I have seen women who have not had surgery and have worked out and worked hard and after giving birth, seem to have tight tummies again. Any tips or tricks to shrink the belly fat and flabby and stretch marks? I want to be confident in my size medium shirts again! will it ever happen?!


  • 44nFab
    44nFab Posts: 19
    I wish I could say for sure, but I really think genetics plays a role.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Well, if you are honestly netting 500 a day then you are never going to lose that belly fat because you're starving your poor body and it's going to hold on to every bit of fat it can as stubbornly as possible.

    I've had 2 babies and my tummy is getting there...I work hard for it, though. I work out a lot and try to fill my body with good healthy foods and I eat anywhere from 1800-2200 calories a day. You've got to fuel your body to build muscle and burn fat.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    After I had my son who was my 2nd. I worked really hard. I did a lot of JM. I LOVE 6 week 6 pack. I ate really well and focused on doing mostly ab/cardio workouts. I did a lot of zumba.
    My stomach has never looked better. After two kids. I gained some weight back over the holidays, but last summer, my tummy was so flat and cut. I am currently working to get that back for this summer. It is possible.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    I do think part of this is genetics, and your skin elasticity. That being said, what got my stomach flat after two babies was focusing on strength training. Nothing burned fat as much as building my muscles. I was a total cardio girl for a long time, did light weights, until I finally realized that was not going to get me the results I wanted. Once I started lifting heavier, and focusing on strength, my whole body changed and my stomach went back to my pre-children state (although stretch marks never go away, just fade). Just something you may want to consider.
  • You will get there. We all plauteau. I have had 4 children in 3 pregnencys. And the toughtest part to lose is the belly fat. But i have been working at it..sometimes u have to switch it up a little bit. When u plateau your body is waiting for something different to help it along. Try eating more calories or just spiking a few days a week..and jillian micheals is alot of strength i guarentee u are gaining muscle. Good luck.
  • start lifting weights and you need to eat more calories so your body isn't starving
    best of luck to you
    I've never gone back to pre-prego body after my kids, but the trade off is great
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    Well, if you are honestly netting 500 a day then you are never going to lose that belly fat because you're starving your poor body and it's going to hold on to every bit of fat it can as stubbornly as possible.

    I've had 2 babies and my tummy is getting there...I work hard for it, though. I work out a lot and try to fill my body with good healthy foods and I eat anywhere from 1800-2200 calories a day. You've got to fuel your body to build muscle and burn fat.

    This!!!! You have to eat more!!! You should be eating 1200 calories minimum PLUS your exercise calories!!!! Eat will be happier and you will break that damn plateau :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I'm a mom of 4. You can look great again, or even better, but it does take time. The hardest time is the first time bc everything is most difficult with your first child. Everything is overwhelming. You need time to learn how to be a mom, then learn how to manage all your new duties and eventually learn how to take care of you again.

    I am pleased to report I got into the best shape of my life after my 3rd child. I backtracked a bit (gained 15 lbs) after my 4th for about 18 mos. (oddly enough, due to UNDEReating while working out very hard), but in the past 9 months I'm back where I should be.

    You'll get there.

  • I have five kids... I am smaller now than I was before getting pg for my first.

    If you are netting 500, THAT is your problem. You should net a minimum 1200, as mfp sets you up to lose at whatever that calorie amount is that it gives you (be it 1200, 1400, 1600...). Eat back your exercise calories. Although, if you're using mfp calculations, I'd say somewhere around 75 % of exercise calories back, as it tends to overestimate. If you have an HRM, I'd recommend about 90% of your exercise calories (I like to leave a little wiggle room for error).

    *wanted to add... I'm smaller, but my stomach is beat to hell. I'll never get un-jiggly!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    eating around 1200 calories each day (net 500 ish) and really trying hard and have been at a plateau for almost 5 weeks now.

    Your problem is right there. I gave birth to 6 babies. Eat 1600 calories and you can see my belly on my avatar. Starving yourself is not the way.
  • Girl, go eat! :smile:
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I havent had kids *yet* but I had a MASSIVE stomach (over 300lbs HW) 110lbs later i have a lot of excess skin- you just have to work hard.
  • I also just looked at your diary, and it doesn't appear that you eat anywhere near enough protein either...
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    You need to eat should NET 1200 at least and give it time. It has been a 2 year process for me so far and now I am starting to see progress in the abs area. I have heard its one of the last places to shrink, also cutting sugar intake helps and you cant spot reduce. Lose weight in general and the inches will come off but where they want to.
  • Well, if you are honestly netting 500 a day then you are never going to lose that belly fat because you're starving your poor body and it's going to hold on to every bit of fat it can as stubbornly as possible.

    I've had 2 babies and my tummy is getting there...I work hard for it, though. I work out a lot and try to fill my body with good healthy foods and I eat anywhere from 1800-2200 calories a day. You've got to fuel your body to build muscle and burn fat.

    This!!!! You have to eat more!!! You should be eating 1200 calories minimum PLUS your exercise calories!!!! Eat will be happier and you will break that damn plateau :)

    I agree with both of these comments. You really are not eating enough. Also try to add some resistant starch to your diet. That will help wash out the fat. You can google resistant startch foods and get a list. The best is navy beans, second is slightly green bananna. My little sister has seven children, yes seven, her youngest is18 months, and she has such a flat abs that she can put the rule across the hip bones. resistant startch. I am just now getting into it, hope it works for you.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Im going with the eating train.. You definitely will not break thru that plateau unless you NET 1200+. Plus add more protein.
  • soniaa777
    soniaa777 Posts: 126 Member
    I heard if you scrub or brush Your skin it will help it tighten up, since your helping remove old dead skin faster than it just falling off. Dont know if its the exercise or the scrub brush but i do notice a difference in my theighs. not so much my stomach so far, but i have a good amout to lose so i cant tell.
    They say to brush Upward! it cant hurt to add skin brushing to your shower routine
    either way you will have softer nicer feeling skin :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I heard if you scrub or brush Your skin it will help it tighten up, since your helping remove old dead skin faster than it just falling off. Dont know if its the exercise or the scrub brush but i do notice a difference in my theighs. not so much my stomach so far, but i have a good amout to lose so i cant tell.
    They say to brush Upward! it cant hurt to add skin brushing to your shower routine
    either way you will have softer nicer feeling skin :)

  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    It really does boil down to genetics. I saw a plastic surgeon and he broke it down. It comes down to genetics on two issues skin elasticity AND whether or not your stomache muscles are seperated. I knew about the elasticity, but had never heard of the other. According to the Dr me personally will never have a tight stomach no matter how hard I try. Is that going to stop me? No. I'm going to make it as good as I can and maybe someday (lottery win permitting) I'll have a tummy tuck.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    The answer is... maybe? This is what I do know. It took 40ish weeks for your stomach to grow. It's going to need time to go back. If you haven't been at this for a year, don't give up hope. Give your skin time to contract.