Tired of trying alone

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to salvage what's left of my health. I had bypass surgery last summer and I'm slowly sinking back into my bad habits. I can't lean on anyone around me, they have too much to deal with already. If I could find a buddy to share the load with here, I might have a better chance at turning things around.

I'm in my forties. I'm back in college, retraining for a second career. I have become a something of a hermit over the past 20 years. My memories of playing soccer as a kid, or running cross-country in high school seem like a fiction to me at this point. At best, I can walk around the block without having to stop, and my pace is right behind Mr. Turtle. I have a long way to go to reach my goal, and I have no idea if I can make it.


  • babytmarie27
    You have what it takes, it just make take everything you have :smile: u can add me if you want
  • BazAbroad
    If there is a gym near by join it and ask the trainers there, you would be amazed at the levels of fitness and varied age groups in the Gym at different times of day.
    I always did my training on my own until I had an accident and needed to start from scratch.
    Starting to go to the Gym was the best thing I ever did...
    (Been super fit at least 4 times in my life,, when you've had it your a fool to let it go)
  • luvnthenewme
    luvnthenewme Posts: 121 Member
    Of course you can make it!!!!! If you can already make it around the block, you have a good place to start!!! And don't forget....Mr. Turtle is the one who won the race :)

    This is the right place to come if you are looking for someone to cheer you on, encourage you when you are down, or plain and simply ride your butt when you are about to give up. Absolutely no need for you to try this alone!!!

    Good luck in your endeavor!!!!!

    Add me if you wish. One can never have too many people supporting them!
  • SublimelyMe
    It's hard when you feel alone. I'm new here but looking to offer (and hopefully receive!) some support, so add me if you like :)
  • msracefan
    msracefan Posts: 55 Member
    Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • kscarlett24
    kscarlett24 Posts: 54 Member
    You can do it. Its daunting at first, but after a few weeks you will be shocked at how much further and faster you can go. Its a marathon, not a sprint. This is a great place to get support from people going through the same thing. Feel free to friend me. And don't ever give up!
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member
    Of course you can make it and we are all here to help. We are here for the same reason. I'm about your age (44) and decided to get myself turned around also. I'm down 8.5 pounds so far and have about 30 more to go. I joined a gym and started working out with a trainer. He has given me some great information and is working at my fitness level. I highly recommend it at least in the beginning.

    Add me to your friend list.
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    You should be SUPER proud of yourself for taking the initiative to get into shape. I am a cardiac nurse and let me tell you, so many people- even after bypass surgery- don't take the steps that you are taking. There actually is a study that was put out by the Mayo Clinic that I saw on CNN today that talks about improving heart health. They say to remember 5-10-8. To improve your heart health, just eating 5 servings of fruit and veggies each day, doing 10 minutes of cardio activity a day such as moderate walking and getting 8 hours of sleep each night is enough to significantly impact your heart health. So keep it up! Believe me- I worked with the heart doctors at Mayo for years- they know their stuff :-)

    The moves you are making may seem small now, but they WILL add up and you will eventually build endurance and get into better shape. You are on one of the greatest sites for support. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • kaotika
    Tough but doable! Many of us have been or are in similar situations. Nothing more reassuring than knowing others understand. Feel free to add me.
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member

    You have to be your OWN cheerleader! In this case, for your own health & wellness. Be Excited to Go for your Turtle Walk every day, then come back & TELL EVERYONE about it... you will create your own excitement & pretty soon you'll start to believe in yourself! You CAN get back to being a whole person again... just take small steps & don't give up.

    Seriously, you Can do this! For example, I had Knee surgery 2 years ago. The Knee & now opposite hip are deteriorating & I will eventually have to replace those joints. For now, I try to do SOMETHING each day. Some days I can do alot, on others, like today I woke up with a knee the size of a watermelon & in so much pain I can't even turn over, however, I got up & took my pain pill & put in a gentle Leslie Sansone "Walk" dvd... which I did for 15 minutes. THAT WAS IT for exercise... the knee says stop & I have to listen, but every day I do a little more IF I CAN! I figure a Turtle can Walk as far as a Rabbit, it just takes us abit longer! So, Seriously, YOU CAN DO THIS! !!!!
  • peninsulahair
    HI there. :-) I had the lap band surgery 6 years ago now (wow doesnt feel like that long ago)! I lost 195 at my lowest weight. and over the past two years I have gained back 30. I am struggling right now to get those 30 lbs off, for fear if I dont get a handle on this I will continue to rise and I "REFUSE" to ever be that morbidly obese person again! heck no! NO WAY! so I get the struggle! it is constant! one thing you may try is to join a gym like the Y. they have great supportive classes and staff. Even if you cant work out much at a time it will be good for you to get yourself out there! dont be a hermit! life is to short and you are still a young man! ;-) Im 40 so im pretty "young" too! hee hee ;-) even if you go and just walk around the track a few times at first. they also have this program called the "12 week program". they sit you down with a staff member and they talk about your goals and how to help you reach them. then they show you all the machines and how to use them. they are very supportive and very encouraging. I would highly recommend something like this for you! :-) I have worked out alot on my journey to healthy living and it has been a lifesaver for me. part of why I gained back 30 lbs was from not going to the gym. I lost motivation and steam for awhile. but I am back at it and determined to never give up the fight! so you CAN DO THIS! but you "HAVE" to want it bad enough within yourself to keep fighting! it will "never" be easy! "never"! you will fight to overcome this your whole life! But it is worth it! your health is one of the only things you can control in this lifetime. and a healthy body leads to a healthier mindset as well, and a healthier longer life full of lots of awesome adventures!!! life is short........... soooooooo START LIVING IT!!!! :-)
  • ringclown
    ringclown Posts: 11 Member
    Add me as a friend. Look how far you have come. You just saved your life. I am here if you ever need support. You can do this. Log everything. No matter what. No matter how bad you think you did. Log it.
  • silenceshh
    silenceshh Posts: 2 Member
    I am trying lose about the same amount of weight, atleast at first. I can help cheer you on.
  • JessicaHoskins
    Hi; i just wanted to let you know that you ARE NOT alone. PLEASE add me as a friend, you won't be sorry that you did.
    I have multiple health issues of my own, & am in my forties, too.
    Feel free to look @ my profile, so you get a good idea of what I'm like.
    You're not alone, because I care & I am here for you, ok?
  • whitetiger1231
    whitetiger1231 Posts: 4 Member
    you can make it have faith everything else will follow
  • puterbob
    You can add me on as a friend also... I'm trying to lose 50 lbs.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    One of my MFP pals posted this today:

    drhirams: Over and over again... The goal is not to be perfect, its just to get better... and most importantly to never, under no circumstances ever stop.

    This really seems to fit what you are talking about. Health Recovery is a lot like Addictions Recovery: Each day is a new day. Each morning is a new start. Each time we make a bad decision we can start anew the next moment with a new direction. It sounds like you are taking lots of steps to build a new, healthy life and you should take pride and courage in your strength!!
  • CMXL
    CMXL Posts: 54 Member
    It is wonderful that you are trying to change. Keep at it. Every step is a step towards a healthy you. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend. I am pretty new to this but am a good cheerleader!
  • taxacctdfw
    taxacctdfw Posts: 67 Member
    I know how you feel. I had a major health scare last week and it really was the wake up call I needed. I have been going up and down with the weight loss and gain for years. This year is the year I lose it all. I am very lucky as I have a great family that is supporting me. YOU CAN DO IT!!! I takes one day at a time. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • trasista4
    trasista4 Posts: 36 Member
    Bone_Daddy, YOU CAN AND WILL DO THIS! Keep trying. I am praying for you. Make sure you log in every day, Breath, Eat, and Move. It gets easier. Musle burns calories. Make sure you do cardio and weights.