Too many Carbs...

sasha8371 Posts: 4
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
So I got the calories and fat watching down (more or less) the computer tells me to eat 1,200 calories a day, if I work out (I do 4 days a week) then that jumps to say 1,500. My issue is the carbs. I seriously have been watching everything I eat these last week or two but am never under my carbs. I mean gosh a 2 bananas (lets say one for breakfast and one as "desert" after dinner) and some grapes or an apple with lunch or after I workout puts me over. I am trying to "trick" my mind into thinking a banana is a good substitute for ice cream after dinner, but even that is failing :( Two questions... What should I do and secondly does it even matter? Like if I am coming in 100 calories under my limit each day (for the lose a pound a week plan) and working out fine so what if the carbs are over? Does it matter?


  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I have the very same problem I'm over my carbs every day, but none of them are "bad" carbs. Not sure what the true answer is, but I've decided it doesn't matter to me, if I make my eating stressful then i'll be off the wagon. My calories are always in check, my fat is always way under and my fibre is high, I'm happy
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    I have no idea, but I have the exact same problem. am always over my protein and fiber limits, which I consider a good thing, drastically under in fat and way over in carbs.
  • kgehling
    kgehling Posts: 20 Member
    Just how many carbs are you "supposed" to have in a day according to your diet plan? Also, if you post your stats (height, weight, bf %) it would make it easier to determine whether or not you should be eating more carbs in a day. My case is just the opposite...I'm usually about 100 calories short.
  • sasha8371
    sasha8371 Posts: 4
    It says my Ideal carbs are 165 in a day. For example a large banana is 35 carbs. I am 5'2 and 146lbs. I don't know my BMI (I know that I can calculate it I just have not) I was 75 over on my carbs (so 240 carbs) but 150 calories under my calories allotment yesterday for example.
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    I am so glad to see you posted this question.
    I was just asking on facebook if anyone had low carb snack ideas.
    I am currently 13 over and still have about 250 calories to use. :noway:
    I'm looking through the database and not finding a whole heck of a lot of low carb foods. BOO

    Will keep up with this thread to see if others have ideas.
  • kgehling
    kgehling Posts: 20 Member
    It says my Ideal carbs are 165 in a day. For example a large banana is 35 carbs. I am 5'2 and 146. I don't know my BMI (I know that I can calculate it I just have not) I was 75 over on my carbs (so 240 carbs) but 150 calories under my allotment yesterday for example.

    Ok...from a purely numerical standpoint that seems like a rather low. What are your macro percentages specifically? Protein, carb, fat. I'm on a 30% protein, 40% carb, 30% fat, bulking diet with total daily calories at around 2900. Like everyone else I tend to hit my protein and total calorie numbers with ease...but unlike everyone else, I seldom come near my carb macro. One important aspect of my diet plan is that the majority of my carbs come from veggies. I keep a 4:1 ratio of veggies to fruit. And, I only eat starchy carbs (oats, potatoes, corn, rice, bread) after my workout or in the 2-3 hour period that follows. I think you and everyone else on this board for that matter would benefit greatly from adding 2-3 servings of veggies to every meal. Including breakfast and snacks.
  • kgehling
    kgehling Posts: 20 Member
    I am so glad to see you posted this question.
    I was just asking on facebook if anyone had low carb snack ideas.
    I am currently 13 over and still have about 250 calories to use. :noway:
    I'm looking through the database and not finding a whole heck of a lot of low carb foods. BOO

    Will keep up with this thread to see if others have ideas.

    Peanut butter, cottage cheese, full fat cheese, eggs, veggies....
  • sasha8371
    sasha8371 Posts: 4

    not 100% sure what you mean by macro percentages. I did not fiddle much with the "standard" settings on this thing. It says I should eat as my Daily Goal (before working out. To make it easier to understand I will use an example from a non-working out day): Calories 1,200 Carbs165 Fat 40 proteins 45. I do fine with Calories and fats, usually solidly under . Sometimes my Proteins are at the maximum, but rarely over. My carbs on the other hand are 50-80 over daily. latest half of those carbs come from fruits and veggies. maybe 35% fruits and 20% veggies. The other 40-50% come rolled into a main dish I have for lunch or dinner. Today for example my "left over" amounts were Calories 107 Cabs -65 Fat 39 proteins 5.
  • srtakelch
    srtakelch Posts: 24
    Me too! I was thinking maybe it was cuz I'm vegetarian. All I really eat is fruits, vegetables, and beans or soy........ right now it says I can eat 400 more calories today, but I'm already -80 on the carbs!! What the heck?

    I have pretty much been completely ignoring it. If it says I can't have any more brocoli because it has too many carbs, then it must not really see the whole picture of overall health.

    Somebody suggested eating full fat cheese and stuff like that... but it has SO many calories, fat, and cholesterol!!
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    I am almost always over on my carbs and frankly I care not. I would care if my fat was high daily, or if my protein was too low, or my fiber. These are the numbers that are important to me.
    We all need carbs in our diets and if those carbs come from fruits and vegtables that have natural carbs then you're fine. The whole problem with eating "empty carbs" are they are not only devoid of anything good but they don't sustain you for long so you'll be hungry much sooner. "Empty carbs" also stimulate your apetite and make you crave more empty carbs.
    It doesn't sound like from what you say that this is your problem, so eat how you're doing and you'll be fine IMHO. It really is whatever works for you. Everyone is different, find what works for you and what doesn't.

    Good Luck! :smokin:
  • chatia
    chatia Posts: 2
    I believe you need to change your fruit then. If you look at the carbs in a banana it's about 35g of carbs. But if you were to eat a large peach it's only about 17g of carbs. Supposedly the more colorful the fruit or veggie the better they are for you and a banana is white, as are apples...not very colorful. But they do have other benefits. So if you want to switch out one of your fruits for something more "colorful"...blueberries, raspberries, might have a better carb count. :wink:
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