All Day Coffee Drinks?



  • OneSchrutebuck
    I do! I can't live without my coffee.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Not everyday, but I usually do drink coffee at all hours. Heck, I drank coffee Wednesday night at around 10pm. lol So far coffee doesn't usually affect my sleeping.
  • skyeashlee
    skyeashlee Posts: 108 Member
    LOVE coffee... will have anywhere between 1-4 a day! on average 3.... and i'll soon be working for a coffee company so its gonna get worse! hehe... but its my treat and cant cut everything from a diet.. i still lose .5 - 1kg a week !!!!....7.5kg gone since jan this yr infact! :O)
    and these are skim caps im drinking!
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    If it weren't for **** breaks.. I'd be drinking coffee 24/7... And I don't log it... *no shame*
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Lol.. I forgot *kitten* was a bad word... :)
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I allow myself two cups of coffee a day with milk and sweeteners and the rest of the day is pretty much water (or wine ; )