Make Self Help Motivation!

I found this site:

with it I took a pic of myself and chose different weight loss. With weight loss pic I copied and pasted it into my paint program. [ctrl+alt+prt scr] this command allows you to copy the screen you see on your computer, then you can paste it into paint. I copied and pasted a few different screens. For the last two 'weight loss' pics I had to open another paint, select only the weight loss pic, copied the selection and then pasted that on the paint pic I was working on.

This is now my wallpaper as my self made motivation.

Thought someone might like to make their own too =D




  • Darrknys
    this is with my current weight after I have lost the 6 lbs, FYI

    I am 5' 3.5" BTW and I'm thinking that I want to have my goal in between the last two pics