
Are there any other brides trying to lose weight for their wedding?


  • Sure am! 7/28/12, 25 pounds to go! and you?
  • 8/17/12 and 12 more pounds to go. I love mfp....its made it much easier to stay motivated and stay on track.
  • lisabruce12
    lisabruce12 Posts: 77 Member
    5/5/12...looking to lose 10 by then and then on to lose 20 more!!!!
  • mleahan
    mleahan Posts: 1 Member
    Wedding is 9-8-12! I have lost 27 lbs so far looking for another 30-40 for the wedding and of course for myself :)
  • Me! Have lost 7 would like to lose another 17...... but its hard work lol
  • mrsvampette
    mrsvampette Posts: 99 Member
    Me!!! I need to lose between 50-60 pounds by October 12th 2012. Not sure if I can lose that much in the next 8 months but I'm sure gonna try!!!!! I need to lose 134 pounds total to be at my goal weight.
  • Me!!! I need to lose between 50-60 pounds by October 12th 2012. Not sure if I can lose that much in the next 8 months but I'm sure gonna try!!!!! I need to lose 134 pounds total to be at my goal weight.

    I am getting married the same day!! I have lost 15 so far, I would like to close about 15 more before the wedding, and then about 20 pounds after the wedding.
  • Here! Here! I'm 25 yrs old & need to loose at least 20-30 lbs by June & 10 lbs more before my wedding on 11/2012! I have seat down job all day & that not helping at all.
  • madelongrin
    madelongrin Posts: 22 Member
    Me too! I am getting married on the 3rd of November 2012 and have lost 24lbs so far and probably have about 7lbs to go but don't need them to come off too fast! It's all about the lifestyle change for me now for the next 8 months!!!
  • ys ma'am! my fiancee proposed chrismas eve and im determined to lose weight before the wedding
  • annanoel21
    annanoel21 Posts: 87 Member
    Im getting married 10-20-12! Ive got 20 to go. Mainly I just want to tone up now. Ive already got my dress and it's too big now. So im just focusing on toning my belly for when we hit the beach.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member wedding is July 26th 2012 - in Vegas!
    I want to lose 10-25lbs by then.... Of course, not too much because I want my dress to fit still! hahahaha
  • Yes! My wedding is 9/29/12 and I've got about 40 more pounds to lose. My goal is by August....

    Congrats everyone!
  • crystal84rose
    crystal84rose Posts: 53 Member
    My wedding is 8-4-12. I would like to lose 50 pounds by then. I've lost 23 since the end of December so I think it is possible. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • Yes! But we haven't set a date yet, so I don't know my time frame!
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Getting married October 7th of this year. I have lost 11 and was looking to loose 6 more but just changed it to 11 more! My pre baby weight doesnt look the same post baby LOL I am also doing the wedding myself on a budget, so any advice would be awsome!
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    Mine's a little different. I was married 11/22/10 but it was only my husband and I and two family members. We are going to have a more public, formal ceremony for our 3 year anniversary and THAT is when I will walk in not having to wear a plus sized gown but something sexy. :)
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    9/22/12, trying to lose 10-15 lbs beforehand. Congrats everyone, and good luck!
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Me!!! I need to lose between 50-60 pounds by October 12th 2012. Not sure if I can lose that much in the next 8 months but I'm sure gonna try!!!!! I need to lose 134 pounds total to be at my goal weight.

    I am getting married the same day!! I have lost 15 so far, I would like to close about 15 more before the wedding, and then about 20 pounds after the wedding.

    I am getting married just a week earlier on the 7th! We can do this!!!
  • 9-22-12 as well!!!:). trying to lose 25 for it:)