Arm wing help!

Hey guys,

Since I've started using the gym 3 months ago I've noticed my fitness getting a lot better, but something I still have issue with is a bit of arm flab. I'm not a big girl at all, I'm only 4'9" and am 134lbs... (61kgs) and I have some heart probs so my cardio isnt allowed to go up over 155- 160 max. But... I have some dumbells here at home 1kgs and also 2kg ones... Currently I am using the 1kgs to do some bicep curls.

I have a problem with my left shoulder and can't lift it properly over my head and can't do the one where I hold the weight behind my head with two hands and lift to the sky. My shoulder won't allow my arm that high up over my head. I just want to get my arms toned up -- can anyone suggest something? The cardio is an issue because I get really breathless really quickly with my heart problem, so pushups are a bit strenuous for me at the moment.

Any help you could suggest would be great! :) thanks buddies!


  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Google tricep exercises but some of these you may be able to do:
    Skullcrusher, dips, tricep kickbacks, tricep rope push downs.
    Also when doing your cardio use the cross trainer as that works you arms aswell.
    You probably need heavier weights than 1-2kg.
    Ask the staff at the gym.
  • sugarflywithme83
    sugarflywithme83 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Suzie... Im not allowed to use a x-trainer. Only allowed to use a tread and a bike at moderate speed. I'm such a little bloody weakling. I think I'll have to build up to heavier weights... Atm even 1kg is killing me lol.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    You'll get stronger! If 1kg is challenging then that's okay.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Try pushups! On the wall, on the table, on your knees and then full ones. There are loads of variations to work all angles of your arm, and of course no equipment required:

    To really work your triceps, try to move your arms closer or put your hands in a diamond variation. Wall pushups work too, so don't be discouraged if you can't do full ones yet.