20 lbs to go and 3 weeks on this Plateau..help pleaes :/

Hi..well subject box says it all. I've lost 15 lbs and i knew there would be a time i hit this damn plateau and i thot i would pass it in a week but its been almost a month and weight isnt budging..help please. i've tried adding few calories and more minutes of exercising to my 3-4 days cardio.


  • The last batch of weight is going to be the hardest to lose. While you may be on a plateau, you're probably toning up more muscles, which is better than losing the weight anyway.

    It may sound disgusting, but getting a colonic can oftentimes remove 5-10 lbs of waste from your body. :p Just a thought.
  • I'm right there with you on hitting this plateau... :explode: , I'm going to keep pressing on, but if anyone has a reason or a solution that may help......here's your chance to be a hero...lol....thanks
  • Try switching up your exercise. If you usually do the elliptical, try the bike or the treadmill. Add some strength training. And the BEST plateau buster is intervals. They are hard, they suck, but they work and you feel so strong when you are done. And you can do them anywhere: running, walking, elliptical, bike, anything. Just be creative!!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    My trainer told me to do tabata workouts. 2-3 times a week. Theres an app you can get on your smart phones. If not its a 4 minute workout. 20 sec. cardio, 10 rest ( to switch to your other position)... repeat 2 times. It shocks your body, its new and it brings up yoour heart rate and body teemp. I did it one week and broke my plateau. Hope this helps you. I also went on u tube to check it out. theres lots of ideas on there.
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    I've been fluctuating 2-3 pound with my weight now for over 2 weeks. Like you I am getting frustrated! I lost 10 pounds in 30 days, but after that, it's slowed down. BUT I changed my exercise - I now do mainly elliptical workouts. I did do the Jillian Michaels THE SHRED with the combination training of strength, cardio and abs. It was only a 20 min. workout video and I saw results. However, I got bored with it! On my elliptical, I can read and time flies by, so I usually choose this to just get through it. I work out 6 days a week with anywhere from 30-45 min. on the elliptical. I also eat a 1200 cal. diet with an occasional cheat meal. I drink only water. I have 25 more pounds to go. I accepted from the start that this was going to be a long road, but I get so down when progress isn't being made! I am thinking about going back to the video even though I am just so done with it! lol Good luck in this battle that IS weight loss, but know you aren't alone! :smile:
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I agree...try switching up the exercise. Maybe try a spike day. I just broke my plateau after what seemed like forever by following the spike diet (3 days bmr, 3 days eating bmr-500 (but not lower than 1200), and one spike day a week of 2xbmr). That diet plan may not be for everyone but I firmly believe that a spike or cheat day every now and then can work wonders (and it's really fun). Take one day or even just a meal and eat what you want and then go back to normal the rest of the week and I bet you see the scale moving again.
  • Dumb plateaus! They are so mentally draining...I think we are all different, what worked for me was supping my water intake majorly and really watching my sodium. Also I upped my cardio to 7 days a week, and I quit eating back my exercise calories. Good luck sister and hang tight this too shall pass and I know this because I survived it.:)
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    I have been on a plateau for about a month with 15 pounds to lose. I just started the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and notice a difference in my body if not in the weight. I have started seeing a drop over the last couple of days though. To combat getting bored with 30DS we alternate a 45 minute Zumba cardio party every couple of days. Right now I am working out 6 days a week and eating 5-6 times a day to make sure I meet (or go slightly over) my calorie goal. I was trying to stay under.
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    My trainer told me to do tabata workouts. 2-3 times a week. Theres an app you can get on your smart phones. If not its a 4 minute workout. 20 sec. cardio, 10 rest ( to switch to your other position)... repeat 2 times. It shocks your body, its new and it brings up yoour heart rate and body teemp. I did it one week and broke my plateau. Hope this helps you. I also went on u tube to check it out. theres lots of ideas on there.
    Do you do this once a day for a week? I checked it out on youtube and it is much like The 30 Day Shred circuit training. 4 minutes sounds so much more appealing though! lol Also, when you do these 4 min. sessions, what do you log them in as in myfitnesspal, or do you log them at all? How many of you do not eat back your calories burned during the day? I usually add mine in and then eat back what I burned. Would I see a difference if I ate back maybe HALF of what I burned instead of all of it?
  • I've been on a plateau for 2 weeks now. I noticed the change when I started eating back exercise calories. I lost 15lbs in 5 weeks. The last 2 weeks I've been changing my workouts, but unfortunately only stuck to the gym, so I believe letting go of my home workouts cause this issue. I have 31 pounds to go.

    Also, last week I messed up and though I stayed within my 1200 net calories, I was a bit high in sodium.

    I can't wait for this plateau to be OVER!
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    Eat different foods than what you've been eating. Do different exercises than what you've been doing. Throwing new stuff at your body helps you get through plateaus.

    You could also try dialing up to maintenance calories for a week and then go back down to loss levels to throw your body a curve ball.
  • WarrantyVoider
    WarrantyVoider Posts: 11 Member
    It's not about "eating back" calories. It's a simple equation of calories earned by activity vs calories spent by eating.
    You should try to set your mfp target to no more than 2 pounds/week and then make sure you hit your calorie goal as closely as possible.

    People talk about eating calories back because of exercise, but what they don't realize is that merely living burns calories because it requires energy.

    Every time we eat, we are eating back calories we burned just by being alive (unless you are overeating).

    I've hit 2 plateaus in my time with mfp, and both were because I got impatient and started eating less than the recommended minimum as calculated by mfp. Each time I upped my food calories again, I started losing weight again. It's weird, but your body is built for survival, and if it senses a lack of incoming calories, it won't burn fat.
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    Eat more! The closer you get to goal, you need to eat at a smaller deficit. Try eating 10-15% below your TDEE or maintenance calories.
  • Honestly maybe try meditation, stretching, relaxation techniques too and ease your mind. Stress and constant worry makes digestion and your body's own cleansing slow. You can be clinging to 5 lbs because of the constant thoughts of losing those 5 lbs!! Relaxing your mind is very beneficial. It's well deserved to zoneout and concentrate on yourself!!

  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I do this workout 2out to 3the times a in a week. I log it in as circuit training. Not sure if it right but it seems to be working.
  • I drink Shakeology. It has helped me with losing my weight and controling my cravings that seem to come around every now and then. It has helped me and my husband. I just replace a meal ( for me it is breakfast) and eat my prepared meals throughout the day. I broke through my plateau and lost another 7 lbs. I hope this helps.

    Here is the link - http://teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/MDSUSH311G?referringRepId=112511
  • henderson_4
    henderson_4 Posts: 16 Member
    I recommend checking out some videos on youtube the channel is workoutsforwomen. There is a lot of kettlebell work in there and it has been great!!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I have been on a plateau for about a month with 15 pounds to lose. I just started the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and notice a difference in my body if not in the weight. I have started seeing a drop over the last couple of days though. To combat getting bored with 30DS we alternate a 45 minute Zumba cardio party every couple of days. Right now I am working out 6 days a week and eating 5-6 times a day to make sure I meet (or go slightly over) my calorie goal. I was trying to stay under.

    Jillian is amazing! I lost 4 inches off my waist with her RI30 and am down another 1 1/2 inches with the level and a half of 30DS I've done so far. LOVE her! But, I agree ...especially with the shred since there is only 3 levels it gets boring doing the same every day.