

  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    You can always donate a couple bucks instead. I have a girl scout troop and we're selling right now. I'd rather someone give the girls a $5 donation. They only get $0.50 per box.
  • trinitrate
    trinitrate Posts: 219 Member
    I bought a box from a friend at work, and immediately opened them up and set them out near the break area for everyone else to eat... 10 minutes later, no temptation!
  • RisyaLifsheTova
    RisyaLifsheTova Posts: 305 Member
    Yeah I failed! I bought a box of Tagalongs and ate the heck out of them. But now I havent wanted anymore after that. Just had to get my one time a year fix....unfortunetly I ate the whole box in one sitting....they were so amazing. I know if I didnt have any I would have ate other crappy things. So its done and over with! PHEW!
  • elks94
    elks94 Posts: 8 Member
    Thin weakness! How do you eat just ONE thin mint???? The good part...I only bought one box of thin mints :-))
  • amarkle85
    I am a troop leader for my daughters troop and the cookie chair. So I have all the cookies in my house. Its like a night mare. I have hidden them so I don't see them. :) I love me some girl scout cookies.
  • AngelsDream4Peace
    AngelsDream4Peace Posts: 116 Member
    I say, buy them, eat them, and enjoy them. Just do it in moderation! I deprive myself of absolutely nothing! I just eat a lot less of it!

    feeling deprived because you didnt eat a sugar filled treat is a self induced state of mind. I am not deprived by not eating it. My body is rewarded because I didnt eat it.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    Seriously not being rude, and I do not believe you are either. And yes to each his/her own, but down 63 lbs and really close to my actual goal, no one is going to convince me I am wrong by having a cookie on occasion.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I bought 4 boxes and have one every now and again. I am thinking of freezing them so that they are not all out at once.
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    I bought a few boxes, I hope my boyfriend eats them all before I do.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I say, buy them, eat them, and enjoy them. Just do it in moderation! I deprive myself of absolutely nothing! I just eat a lot less of it!

    feeling deprived because you didnt eat a sugar filled treat is a self induced state of mind. I am not deprived by not eating it. My body is rewarded because I didnt eat it.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    Seriously not being rude, and I do not believe you are either. And yes to each his/her own, but down 63 lbs and really close to my actual goal, no one is going to convince me I am wrong by having a cookie on occasion.

    not saying you are wrong at all. I am saying that this idea that we are depriving ourselves if we dont eat a certain food or snack ( usually its candy or cookies or alcohol or something like that) is self induced. We are not actually being deprived. I am saying we have made a choice.
  • singerfarms
    That is exactly what I do! Nice to know I'm not alone!
  • singerfarms
    The Girl Scouts have no control over the ingredients of the cookies. There have been several petitions signed for changes, but nothing has happened yet. Just wanted to clear that up... I'm a Girl Scout Ledear.