Large pores....ehhh

Jamie65toloose Posts: 152 Member
I am 27 and have HUGE pores. Its so frustrating but my mother has always had them so I knew I would be receiving them! My face is greasy and my skin everywhere else is dry. VERY FRUSTRATING. Anyone know anything that helps shrink them or what I could do?


  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I have large pores too. They are awful and some makeup even makes them look bigger. You can buy something called "pore corrector" which helps shrink them but it's not a permanent thing, you have to always use it. Estee lauder do one but it's really expensive. I use a seaweed one from the body shop which is cheaper and more natural but i wouldn't know if you have one of them over there. I've also heard the clarifying toner helps too, but i've not tried that yet.
  • Don't know about shrinking them, but maybe go to a facialist and see what they recommend.......for every day washing, I use cytaphil (hope I spelled it right). Seems to do the trick for me.........but then again, my pores aren't large......
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    You can't really shrink them :( If you wear makeup you can use a pore corrector (Clinique makes a good one) or a makeup base/primer like L'Oreal - Studio Secrets Magic Perfecting Base. I love the can wear it w/o makeup for a subtle smoothing of your skin texture or under foundation to make it last longer (it absorbs excess oil).

    At least you have one thing to look forward to-oily skin is a curse when you are young, but it'll help prevent wrinkles. I'm 40 and haven't developed any yet (very oily skin).
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I have an appointment in March to see a dermatologist about cosmetic procedures that I can do to fix this problem. I hope they have something!
  • Jamie65toloose
    Jamie65toloose Posts: 152 Member
    EHHH. I hate them. I will have to check out Clinque then and see what they have going on. Do you know how much it costs?
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I am 27 and have HUGE pores. Its so frustrating but my mother has always had them so I knew I would be receiving them! My face is greasy and my skin everywhere else is dry. VERY FRUSTRATING. Anyone know anything that helps shrink them or what I could do?

    Unfortunately you can't shrink large pores. I also have them and it drives me nuts. All we can do is exfoliate and keep them unclogged in order to give them the appearance of being smaller. I have found a combination that keeps mine looking good.

    1. The Clarisonic facial cleansing brush:
    2. AloeGlyC which is an aloe-based chemical exfoliant developed by a cosmetic surgeon where I live:

    By using both products religiously twice a day, my skin hasn't looked this good in years. I hardly ever get hormonal acne anymore either. And twice this year I have been asked who does my botox, LOL!!! I could never have a needle stuck in my face unless it was life or death! :D
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    What is your current cleansing routine?

    I'm not a dermatologist but IMO there must be things you can do to improve your skin tone even if you can't actually shrink pores.

    Go to you doctor, but also invest a little time and money into a good daily cleansing routine. A warm cleanser with a muslin cloth works great to open pores and remove dirt and a toner on cotton wool tightens the skin a little bit and continues to remove dirt left behind.

    The body repairs itself when we sleep so a nice night cream could help, then moisturising before leaving the house or applying make up gives a layer of protection against day to day damage.

    The products you use do not need to be expensive either a good vitamin c range or something will be fine but it's your choice.

    Back to the doctor bit if you have oily skin like getting spots on your back etc it could be hormonal.

    I'm just speaking from experience I hope you take something from it.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    EHHH. I hate them. I will have to check out Clinque then and see what they have going on. Do you know how much it costs?
    These are the two products I use:

    Clinique - Instant Perfector- $18.00
    One tube lasts me about 6 months, but I only apply it when I'm putting on full makeup (foundation, etc) because it blends but needs something on top to make it look natural. It doesn't fill the pores but that's the effect you get.
    They also have a serum for $40 that is supposed to shrink pores but I've never used it.

    L'Oreal - Studio Secrets Magic Perfecting Base - $11-20 (depends where you get it)
    One jar lasts about 3 months - I wear it 4 days out of 7, either alone or with a little powder on top. It doesn't shrink pores but it obscures them. Makes your skin get a velvety texture. The trick is not to apply it too heavily (a little goes a long way) or you'll get a rubbery/streaky look. If you use it as a base for foundation it'll make a liquid makeup glide over top and it won't settle in the pores.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I love L'oreal Go 360 cleanser...think it has helped my pores look smaller!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I have large pores & greasy skin, I've tried everything! Some mud packs work for about an hour, then my pores widen, so I just use makeup that doesn't put emphasis on my pores.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Don't you mean "Large pores...HELLO...HEllo....hello...hell...."

    Oh and the pores on my nose look large enough to lose a Volkswagen bug in.
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    Dr. Brandt's Pores No More is a great product. It softens skin, reduces pore size, and evens skin tone.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Oily skin & enlarged pores here. I've found that Liz Earl hot cloth cleanser used with a muslin washcloth has the best result. I've tried just about everything on the market in the UK & thats the best.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I really like the Soap and Glory heated face mask / scrub. It works a treat on me.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Forget all the crap sold at the mall.
    Go to a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon and get a complete daily facial treatment that you can use twice a day.
    You will need to invest some money because these products are not cheap but they work.
    I've used these products for a long time and my skin is great.
    Some lines that work magic are:

    Only a doctor can prescribe some of these products but it is worth it.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I had this problem, but it seems to have resolved itself in the last year. I think it must be down to drinking lots of water, improved diet, using Bio Oil at night, or swapping to Lush's 'Gorgeous" face cream. Either way, I am very happy about this course of events.
  • witch hazel and fullers earth, mix together, face mask ... will help clear up your pores and tighten the skin's appearance. And I am well aware fullers earth is not often sold as a beauty product, but it is one.
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    The clinique product mentioned in another post along with estee lauder pore minimizer I think its called...pricey but worth ever penny!